一个记录 leetcode 每日一题的仓库
- 1. Two Sum(easy)
- 2. Add Two Numbers(medium)
- 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters(medium)
- 5. Longest Palindromic Substring(medium)
- 6. Zigzag Conversion(medium)
- 9. Palindrome Number(easy)
- 11. Container With Most Water(medium)
- 17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number(medium)
- 20. Valid Parentheses(easy)
- 29. Divide Two Integers(medium)
- 31. Next Permutation(medium)
- 32. Longest Valid Parentheses(hard)
- 46. Permutations(medium)
- 47. Permutations II(medium)
- 51. N-Queens(hard)
- 52. N-Queens II(hard)
- 59. Spiral Matrix II(medium)
- 61. Rotate List(medium)
- 63. Unique Paths II(medium)
- 74. Search a 2D Matrix(medium)
- 81. Search in Rotated Sorted Array II(medium)
- 88. Merge Sorted Array(easy)
- 99. Recover Binary Search Tree(medium)
- 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II(medium)
- 119. Pascal's Triangle II(easy)
- 120. Triangle(medium)
- 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence(medium)
- 135. Candy(hard)
- 138. Copy List with Random Pointer(medium)
- 152. Maximum Product Subarray(medium)
- 160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists(easy)
- 167. Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted(medium)
- 173. Binary Search Tree Iterator(medium)
- 191. Number of 1 Bits(easy)
- 215. Kth Largest Element in an Array(medium)
- 216. Combination Sum III(medium)
- 225. Implement Stack using Queues(easy)
- 230. Kth Smallest Element in a BST(medium)
- 268. Missing Number(easy)
- 284. Peeking Iterator(medium)
- 287. Find the Duplicate Number(medium)
- 289. Game of Life(medium)
- 304. Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable(medium)
- 318. Maximum Product of Word Lengths(medium)
- 322. Coin Change(medium)
- 329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix(hard)
- 330. Patching Array(hard)
- 341. Flatten Nested List Iterator(medium)
- 344. Reverse String(easy)
- 347. Top K Frequent Elements(medium)
- 354. Russian Doll Envelopes(hard)
- 376. Wiggle Subsequence(medium)
- 399. Evaluate Division(medium)
- 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height(medium)
- 410. Split Array Largest Sum(hard)
- 456. 132 Pattern(medium)
- 462. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II(medium)
- 474. Ones and Zeroes(medium)
- 535. Encode and Decode TinyURL(medium)
- 538. Convert BST to Greater Tree(medium)
- 581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray(medium)
- 583. Delete Operation for Two Strings(medium)
- 633. Sum of Square Numbers(medium)
- 647. Palindromic Substrings(medium)
- 665. Non-decreasing Array(medium)
- 669. Trim a Binary Search Tree(medium)
- 680. Valid Palindrome II(easy)
- 682. Baseball Game(easy)
- 700. Search in a Binary Search Tree(easy)
- 703. Kth Largest Element in a Stream(easy)
- 704. Binary Search(easy)
- 705. Design HashSet(easy)
- 706. Design HashMap(easy)
- 726. Number of Atoms(hard)
- 769. Max Chunks To Make Sorted(medium)
- 785. Is Graph Bipartite?(medium)
- 820. Short Encoding of Words(medium)
- 826. Most Profit Assigning Work(medium)
- 844. Backspace String Compare(easy)
- 867. Transpose Matrix(easy)
- 897. Increasing Order Search Tree(easy)
- 905. Sort Array By Parity(easy)
- 912. Sort an Array(medium)
- 923. 3Sum With Multiplicity(medium)
- 968. Binary Tree Cameras(hard)
- 1029. Two City Scheduling(medium)
- 1046. Last Stone Weight(easy)
- 1048. Longest String Chain(medium)
- 1052. Grumpy Bookstore Owner(medium)
- 1091. Shortest Path in Binary Matrix(medium)
- 1110. Delete Nodes And Return Forest(medium)
- 1190. Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses(medium)
- 1192. Critical Connections in a Network(hard)
- 1202. Smallest String With Swaps(medium)
- 1209. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II(medium)
- 1260. Shift 2D Grid(easy)
- 1268. Search Suggestions System(medium)
- 1302. Deepest Leaves Sum(medium)
- 1332. Remove Palindromic Subsequences(easy)
- 1337. The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix(easy)
- 1342. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero(easy)
- 1352. Product of the Last K Numbers(medium)
- 1379. Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree(medium)
- 1380. Lucky Numbers in a Matrix(easy)
- 1396. Design Underground System(medium)
- 1423. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards(medium)
- 1461. Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K(medium)
- 1465. Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts(medium)
- 1475. Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop(easy)
- 1482. Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets(medium)
- 1530. Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs(medium)
- 1552. Magnetic Force Between Two Balls(medium)
- 1584. Min Cost to Connect All Points(medium)
- 1598. Crawler Log Folder(easy)
- 1631. Path With Minimum Effort(medium)
- 1636. Sort Array by Increasing Frequency(easy)
- 1641. Count Sorted Vowel Strings(medium)
- 1642. Furthest Building You Can Reach(medium)
- 1653. Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced(medium)
- 1658. Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero(medium)
- 1679. Max Number of K-Sum Pairs(medium)
- 1689. Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers(medium)
- 1695. Maximum Erasure Value(medium)
- 1710. Maximum Units on a Truck(medium)
- 1717. Maximum Score From Removing Substrings(medium)
- 1721. Swapping Nodes in a Linked List(medium)
- 2096. Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another(medium)
- 2191. Sort the Jumbled Numbers(medium)
- 2196. Create Binary Tree From Descriptions(medium)
- 2415. Reverse Odd Levels of Binary Tree(medium)
- 2418. Sort the People(easy)
- 2471. Minimum Number of Operations to Sort a Binary Tree by Level(medium)
- 2751. Robot Collisions(hard)
- 2872. Maximum Number of K-Divisible Components(hard)
- 3264. Final Array State After K Multiplication Operations I(easy)
git clone
cd leetcode-daily-challenge/book_sources
npm install
- 启动本地项目:
npm run serve
- 打开:http://localhost:4000
git clone
cd leetcode-daily-challenge/book_sources
npm install
- 生成静态文件:
npm run build
- 这个时候应该能在当前路径下看到多了一个
目录 - 安装 serve :
npm install -g serve
- 使用 serve 启动:
serve _book
- 然后就能在 cli 看到对应的路径打开就好