- Vanilla PHP
- No dependencies
- Except PHPMailer for email sending
- Easy to change if needed
- Validation
- JWT + Blacklisting
- User profiles
- Email + Email Verification
- Password reset
- CSRF Protection
- Middleware
- MySQL Connection
- Logger
- Easy to load views and components
- Rate limiting (optional)
- HTMX + AlpineJS + TailwindCSS (+daisyui) Branch
- ORM Branch
- Contains everything needed to run the app
- Database Connection
- Email/SMTP Config
- Environment Variables
- Headers
- Runtime variables to make reading data easier
- Secrets and Keys
- Global Utils importer
- Actions that can be called from the router for every route (see Routes.php)
- Structure is based on GET and POST requests only
- POST requests forms send an ACTION with them
- If it's neither GET or POST with ACTION, it's a 405
- If the action doesn't exist it's a 404
- Can be either a PHP file or a folder with an index.php file, see Controller/Utils/Routing/Router.php
- Structure is based on GET and POST requests only
- Middleware Files
- Utils Foler
- Data
- Utils related to reading and writing data
- Helpers for JWT and Cookies
- Flash for transfering data between pages/requests
- Logger
- Reading of GET and POST Params
- A _CONTEXT object to move data from Middleware to Controllers to Views
- Password Hasing
- Responses
- JSON Response helper
- Redirect helper
- Routing
- Router.php takes care of finding Controllers based on paths
- Routing.php has a static class used to define Routes and pair them with Middleware
- Data
- Routes.php defines all the routes and middleware to be used per route or globally
- Uses the Routing static class
- Global middleware should be set first, it sets middleware for all routes after it was called
- Templates files in HTML
- Email static class to send individual emails
- SMTP Connection manager
- Tempalte builder that simply fills placeholders
- Custom Exceptions for easier bug hanlding
- Error logs, usually thrown from exceptions
- Info logs, for debugging or seeing what requests come in
- Simple logs, for quick debugging
- Traits folder for helpers i.e. Special filtered reading of data
- DB.php takes care of the DB connection
- Utils contains models for things like Tokens
- Models can be a PHP file or a folder to split up things better
- Load.php starts the runtime variables for tasks
- Task files can be called from the CLI or a Cronjob
- Contains external libraries
- Folder for shared components, can be filed or Folders to sort them
- Called via Component("Popup/Example"), it will look in the Views/Component/ folder automatically
- It's recommended to put Shared in the name, they can be shadowed by local components
- By default the component will be searched for in the Components/ folder of the current page
- To prevent shadowing and use the shared components you can start the path with a /
- A page can be a PHP file or a folder with an index.php when using a Components/ folder
- The pages returned from the controller when a request is made
- Called via View() when the page path is the same as the Controller path
- Called with View("Example/Signup") when the name is different
- LoadFields.php is a helper for special form fields, like action and the csrf token
- LoadTemplates.php contains the View() and Component() functions
- Output.php contains the __() function for escaping HTML output
- Common .htaccess file for a single entry point
- index.php to start the app, load the config files and create the router