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Disk Functions

Joshua Riek edited this page Feb 19, 2020 · 2 revisions


Setup values for the bios peramater block

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: Nothing


Read the given sectors from the disk

  • IN: ES:DI, AX:DX, CX = Location to load the sectors, LBA, Sectors to read
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Write the given sectors to the disk

  • IN: ES:DI, AX:DX, CX = Location of sectors to write, LBA, Sectors to write
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Allocates and load the current working directory into memory

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: ES:DI, CF = Location of dir in memory, Carry flag set on error


Unallocate and free the current working directory from memory

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: Nothing


Load the current working directory into memory

  • IN: ES:DI = Location to load the dir
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Write the current working firectory to the disk

  • IN: ES:DI = Location of the dir to write
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Allocate the current dir into the memory map

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: ES:DI, CF = Location allocaded for the dir, Carry flag set on error


Free the current working dir from use in the memory map

  • IN: ES:DI = Location of dir to free from memory
  • OUT: Nothing


Allocates and load the FAT table into memory

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: ES:DI, CF = Location of FAT in memory, Carry flag set on error


Unallocate and free the FAT table from memory

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: Nothing


Read the FAT table into memory

  • IN: ES:DI = Location to load the FAT
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Write the FAT table to the disk

  • IN: ES:DI = Location of the FAT to write
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Allocate the FAT table into the memory map

  • IN: Nothing
  • OUT: ES:DI, CF = Location allocaded for the FAT, Carry flag set on error


Free the FAT table from use in the memory map

  • IN: ES:DI = Location of FAT to free from memory
  • OUT: Nothing


Search through a loaded dir for a single file

  • IN: ES:DI, DS:SI = Disk buffer with loaded dir, Filename in 8.3 format
  • OUT: ES:DI, CF = Pointer to file entry, Carry flag set on error


Change the current working directory

  • IN: DS:SI = Directory to search for
  • OUT: CF = Cary flag set on error


Create an empty directory

  • IN: DS:SI = Directory to create
  • OUT: CF = Cary flag set on error


Remove an empty directory

  • IN: DS:SI = Directory to remove
  • OUT: CF = Cary flag set on error


Search for a file and return it's size

  • IN: DS:SI = Filename to search for
  • OUT: AX:DX, CF = Filesize, Carry flag set on error


Search for a file to see if it exists

  • IN: DS:SI = Filename to search for
  • OUT: CF = Cary flag set on error


Create an empty file

  • IN: DS:SI = Filename to create
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Rename a file

  • IN: DS:SI, ES:DI = File to rename, New filename
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Delete a file

  • IN: DS:SI = File to delete
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error


Read a file from disk and into memory

  • IN: DS:SI, ES:DI = Name of file to read, Location to load the file
  • OUT: DX:AX, CF = Filesize, Carry flag set on error


Write a file from memory onto the disk

  • IN: DS:SI, ES:DI, DX:AX = Name of file to write, Location of file's contents, Filesize
  • OUT: CF = Carry flag set on error