Eventify.io - An intuitive tool to manage and monitor your services via intelligent event creation.
Author: Jordi Jaspers [Github, Linkedin]
A high-performance, scalable monitoring solution designed to track and visualize the health and status of distributed systems in real-time. This application provides a robust platform for collecting, processing, and displaying monitoring events from multiple external systems through a user-friendly dashboard interface.
Website Preview: https://eventify.io/
Website Health endpoint: https://eventify.io/actuator/health
Server API description: https://eventify.io/api/public/docs/openapi.html
The Monitoring Service is built to handle high-throughput event processing with real-time updates, making it ideal for organizations needing to monitor critical infrastructure and services. It features:
- Real-time Monitoring: Instant visibility into system health through WebSocket-powered live updates
- Scalable Architecture: Horizontally scalable design using event-driven microservices
- Efficient Event Processing: Smart batching and processing of events to handle high-volume monitoring data
- Team-based Access Control: Organized access management with team-based dashboard sharing
- Customizable Dashboards: Flexible dashboard configuration with support for grouped and ungrouped checks
- High Availability: Built on a reliable PostgreSQL cluster with replication for data durability
- External System Integration: Simple REST API for external systems to report their status
Whether you're monitoring a handful of services or thousands of endpoints, this platform is designed to provide reliable, real-time insights into your systems' operational status.
Want to start up the application?
read more in the getting started section -> here
Want to see some concept or add ideas?
read more in the concepts section -> here
No worries, just check out our issues section on GitHub. If you can't find your issue, feel free to create a new one. We trample that bug as soon as possible.
All the extra help is welcome! Just follow the steps in the CONTRIBUTING section.
Feel free to create an issue, and we can discuss it further or contact me directly.
- Spring Boot - Java framework for building back-end applications.
- Redis - In-memory data structure store.
- SvelteKit - Frontend framework for building web applications.
- TailwindCSS - Utility-first CSS framework.
- Shadcn Svelte - Svelte components library.
- Lucide - SVG icons library.
- Cloudflare - CDN and DNS provider.
- Traefik - Reverse proxy and load balancer.
- Docker - Containerization platform.
- Liquibase - Database migration tool
- TimescaleDB - Time-series database
- Git - Version Control
Licensed under GPL-3.0.