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StyleTTS WebUI

An all-in-one inferencing and training WebUI for StyleTTS. The intended compatbility is meant for Windows, but should still work with a little bit of modification for WSL or Linux.

StyleTTS actually trains nicer in WSL than windows, so I might add compatibiltiy here sometime in the future


✔️ Inferencing/Generation Tab with ability to choose between different trained models

✔️ Dataset prepration using Whisperx

✔️ Training tab with tensorboard monitoring available

✔️ Audiobook generation tab that creates a full m4b audiobook from a dragged-and-dropped ebook.

✔️ History tab populated using ID3 tags embedded on each generated file, and a "Send to Generation Tab" button to make it easier to repeat preferred settings.

***** note that this is a fork of the initial work to put this in a webui by Jarod Mica - This is just my little version with QOL changes that suit me.


There is no Linux or Mac set-up at the moment. However, I think the set-up on linux isn't too convoluted as it doesn't require any code modifications, just installation modifications. I believe you do not need to uninstall and reinstall torch and then the back slashes should be replaced with forward slashes in the commands below.

Minimum Requirements

  • Nvidia Graphics Card (12GB VRAM is the minimum recommendation for training at a decent speed, 8GB possible though, albeit very slow. See below troubleshooting for more information)
  • Windows 10/11

Manual Installation (Windows only)


  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Navigate into the repo
cd .\StyleTTS-WebUI\
  1. Setup a virtual environement, specifying python 3.11
py -3.11 -m venv venv
  1. Activate venv. If you've never run venv before on windows powershell, you will need to change ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned
  1. Run the requirements.txt (Before this, make sure you have microsoft build tools installed, else, it will fail for some packages)
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
  • 5.1. Check torch, if it is greater than 2.3.1, uninstall and reinstall, else, you can continue on and no need to run the below:
    pip show torch
    If greater than 2.3.1, uninstall and reinstall:
    pip uninstall torch
    pip install torch==2.3.1 torchvision==0.18.1 torchaudio==2.3.1 --index-url
  1. Initialize submodules in the repository
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote
  1. Install the StyleTTS2 package into venv
pip install .\modules\StyleTTS2\
  1. Download the pretrained StyleTTS2 Model and yaml here: You'll need to place them into the folder pretrain_base_1 inside of the models folder. The file structure should look like the below.
  1. Install eSpeak-NG onto your computer. Head over to and select the espeak-ng-X64.msi the assets dropdown. Download, run, and follow the prompts to set it up on your device. As of this write-up, it'll be at the bottom of 1.51 on the github releases page

You can remove the program by going to "Add or remove programs" on your computer, then searching for espeak.

  1. Download punkt by running the below python script:
python .\modules\StyleTTS2\styletts2\

11.. Run the StyleTTS2 Webui

  1. (Optional) Make a .bat file to automatically run the each time without having to activate venv each time. How to:
call venv\Scripts\activate


There are 5 Tabs: Generation, History, Generate Audiobook, Training, and Settings


Before you start generating, you need a small reference audio file (preferably wave file) to generate style vectors from. This can be used for "zero shot" cloning as well, but you'll do the same thing for generating after training a model.

To do this, go into the voices folder, then create a new folder and name it whatever speaker name you'd like. Then, place the small reference audio file into that folder. The full path should look like below:


If you had already launched the webui, click on the Update Voices button and it'll update the voices that are now available to choose from.

One thing to note is by default, if no training has been done, the base pretrained model will be selected. After training, you'll be able to change what model is loaded.


Contains a history of all generated files, along with the settings used to generate them. Generated items are added to the history automatically. All history data is managed by ID3 tags added to each generated file the includes all the generation settings used. If you do not wish to tag your files (thus prevent them from showing up in the history tab), you can disable ID3 tagging in the Settings tab.

There is also a "Send to Generation" button that is loaded when selecting a generated file from the dataframe list. This should copy all the generation settings over to the generation tab, switch the voice model, and allow you to just click generate, or make any adjustments needed beforehand.

Generate Audiobook

This is a crude implementation of using a model to generate a full audiobook. Drag and drop any common ebook format into the form and click "Convert to Audiobook". It will:

  1. Split the chapters into individual text files and process them all for inferencing.
  2. Convert numbers (such as 50) into spoken language (ie: fifty). This is something I implemented to circumvent an issue where some indexes contain a lot of numbers and this caused the voice to become very distorted or altogether error out due to tensor size exceeding 505. The caveat to this fix is that it doesn't use natural speech based on context, for example if the book mentions a date (say 2024) it will not say "twnty twenty four", rather "two thousand and twenty four". It's not ideal, and I'm sure there's a way to get that to work, but as stated this is just a crude implementation. Feel free to open a PR if you have a better method!
  3. Break each chapter down to individual inferences and process them. Each individual inference is stored in a file-like object until the full chapter is completed. On completion of each chapter it will combine them all, snipping 80ms off each end of each inference (due to common issues with artifacts in synthesized speach if it's a trained model and the dataset wasn't pristine), and finally write each chapter to disk in the working directory for that specific book within the audiobooks folder. It keeps each chapter in a file-like object as well, which makes things quicker later when combining all the chapters. The files are really only there to be able to resume from the last chapter if you stop and restart the process.
  4. Once all chapters are generated, it combines them and generates a .m4b audiobook file which includes the book cover (as long as it's present in the ebook file) and outputs it to the audiobooks folder.

Audiobook Notes: -The full audiobook is generated using the settings last used to generate under the Generation tab. Be sure you run at least one generation after modifying the settings on that tab - it won't use settings that were changed without having done at least one generation afterward. This is because it simply pulls the settings from the configuration file that is updated each time a you generate audio. -If you stop mid-process, you can resume the generation by uploading the ebook again from step 1 as long has the filename hasn't changed. If you cancel and want to restart generation entirely, delete the working directory from the audiobooks folder first.

Field Description
Input text The text you want to generate
Voice Voices that are available
Reference Audio The audio file to use as a reference for generation
Seed A number randomly assigned to each generation. A seed will generate the same audio output no matter how many times you generate. Set to -1 to have it be randomized
alpha Affects speaker timbre, the higher the value, the further it is from the reference sample. At 0, may sound closer to reference sample at the cost of a little quality
beta Affects speaker prosody and expressiveness. The higher the value, the more exaggerated speech may be.
Diffusion Steps Affects quality at the cost of some speed. The higher the number, the more denoising-steps are done (in relation to diffusion models not audio noise)
Embedding Scale Affects speaker expressiveness/emotion. A higher value may result in higher emotion or expression.


To be continued


Check either installation or running down below in case you run into some issues. ALL ISSUES may not be covered, I'm bound to miss somethings,

You have 8GB of VRAM?

It should be possible to train, but data will overflow onto CPU RAM (making training slower by a lot). At these settings, I was clocking in at 8.5GB of VRAM usage:

  • Batch Size = 1
  • Max Length = 100
  • Diffusion Epoch = Set a number higher than Epochs (disables this training)
  • Join Epoch = Set a number higher than Epochs (disables this training)

You may be in luck though because 10-20 epochs of finetuning may be all you need for something decent. Set it, then go do something else for 24 hours. Max Length below 100 will cause issues, you can try it, but I didn't get anything good out of it.


I reckon there will be a lot of errors that I have either come across or not. If you have the packaged version, you shouldn't have to troubleshoot. If you do run into software issues, I will address them directly; difficulties in using the software are not included.

Here are some that I came across:

  1. OSError: [WinError 1314] A required privilege is not held by the client:
  • Occurs after transcribing for the first time after downloading whisper model. Just re-run the process and it should work out fine
  1. cudnn or cublas .dll files are not found
  • Ensure you're using torch 2.3.1 as shown above
  1. Error processing file '/usr/share/espeak-ng-data\phontab': No such file or directory.
  • eSpeak-NG not installed on your device, see above installation instructions
  • Check: JarodMica#8 (comment)

Running StyleTTS2

  1. torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate xx.xx MiB. GPU
  • Your GPU doesn't have enough VRAM for the configurations you saved for training a voice. Lower batch size to 1, try again (may cause issue notied in 2). If not, then lower Max Length in intervals of 50 till it either works or reachs 100 for Max Length.
  • If you hit 100 for Max Length and you still run into issues, set "Diffusion Epoch" and "Joint Epoch" to values that are higher than what you set "Epochs" to. This disables diffusion and joint training, but the output quality on inference (generation) might suffer.
  • There's a discussion here that talks more about these settings: yl4579/StyleTTS2#81
  1. RuntimeError: CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered OR RuntimeError: GET was unable to find an engine to execute this computation
  • Running with batch size of 1 and max length might be too high even if GPU isn't fully saturated with data. Not entirely sure why this happens, but try to keep batch size at 2. Batch size of 1 may allow you to train with longer max_length, but that's when I see this error happen the most.
  • This does NOT occur while training in wsl/linux as far as I've tested
  1. Training is VERY slow
  • Open task manager and check how much VRAM is being used by going to the performance tab and clicking on GPU. If you notice that "Dedicated GPU memory" is full, and that "GPU memory" usage is higher than "Dedicated GPU memory" or "Shared GPU memory" is being used, training data is overflowing onto your CPU RAM which will severly hurt training speeds.
  • Two things:
    1. Your GPU cannot handle the bare minimum training requirements for StyleTTS2, there's no solution other than upgrading to more VRAM.
    2. Continue training, just at the slower rate.
    • It should finish, but may take 2-10x the time that it would normally take if you could fit it all into VRAM
  1. FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'training/name_of_voice/train_phoneme.txt'
  • You didn't run the Run Phonemization button after Transcribe and Process, OR something went wrong during that process.


Huge thanks to the developers responsible for developing StyleTTS2: Another huge thanks to Jarod for throwing the initial three tabs of generation/training/settings to get the ball rolling on using StyleTTS2 in Gradio with training integrated directly and easily.

Usage Notice

The base pre-trained StyleTTS2 model used here comes with a License of:

Pre-Trained Models: Before using these pre-trained models, you agree to inform the listeners that the speech samples are synthesized by the pre-trained models, unless you have the permission to use the voice you synthesize. That is, you agree to only use voices whose speakers grant the permission to have their voice cloned, either directly or by license before making synthesized voices public, or you have to publicly announce that these voices are synthesized if you do not have the permission to use these voices.


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  • Python 98.4%
  • Batchfile 1.6%