The following notes provide an overview of how to install and run the SV API project, which is a restructuring of to bring it closer to a true microservices model.
For notes on the project structure, see the Project Structure readme file
For a Swagger UI presentation of the API documentation's generic public endpoints, go to the root url of the endpoint:
- Running locally:
- Current public location (subject to change):
For reference, this document was written while testing on a 2022 MacBook Pro running MacOS Ventura and Docker Desktop 4.21.1.
Install the macOS Xcode Command Line Tools.
local:~$ sudo xcodebuild -license
local:~$ xcode-select install
Install Homebrew.
local:~$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install and configure the GitHub CLI.
local:~$ brew install gh
local:~$ gh auth login
Install Docker Desktop.
Optionally, download and install manually instead of using Homebrew.
local:~$ brew install --cask docker
Change to your local project directory (in this case, ~/Projects
local:~$ cd Projects
Fork the rice-crc/voyages-api
repository and clone to your local environment.
local:~/Projects$ gh repo fork rice-crc/voyages-api --remote --default-branch-only --clone
Change to the cloned repository directory.
local:~/Projects$ cd voyages-api
Copy the default config files for each app component.
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ cp src/api/voyages3/{-default,}
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ cp src/geo-networks/{-default,}
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ cp src/people-networks/{-default,}
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ cp src/stats/{-default,}
Download the latest database dump from the Google Drive project share and
expand into the data/
directory. Rename the expanded file to data/voyages_prod.sql
Build the API containers. The component containers must be built separately.
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker compose up --build -d voyages-mysql voyages-api voyages-adminer voyages-solr
Note: you can remove the -d
option to run the process in the foreground. JCM always does this to watch the logs.
Allow a short bit of time for the mysql container to initialize. Then inject the sql dump.
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-mysql mysql -uroot -pvoyages voyages_api < data/voyages_prod.sql
Verify the data import.
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-mysql mysql -uvoyages -pvoyages -e "show databases"
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-mysql mysql -uvoyages -pvoyages -e "show tables from voyages_api"
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-mysql mysql -uvoyages -pvoyages -e "select * from voyages_api.voyage_voyage limit 1"
Run the app setup and configuration tasks.
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-api bash -c 'python3 collectstatic --noinput'
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-api bash -c 'python3 migrate'
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-solr solr create_core -c voyages -d /srv/voyages/solr
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-solr solr create_core -c enslavers -d /srv/voyages/solr
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-solr solr create_core -c enslaved -d /srv/voyages/solr
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-solr solr create_core -c blog -d /srv/voyages/solr
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-solr solr create_core -c autocomplete_source_titles -d /srv/voyages/solr
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-solr solr create_core -c autocomplete_ship_names -d /srv/voyages/solr
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-solr solr create_core -c autocomplete_enslaved_names -d /srv/voyages/solr
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-solr solr create_core -c autocomplete_enslaver_aliases -d /srv/voyages/solr
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-api bash -c 'python3 rebuild_indices'
Build the API component containers.
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker compose up --build -d voyages-geo-networks voyages-people-networks voyages-stats
Rebuild the map routes (this can take some time).
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -i voyages-geo-networks bash -c 'flask pickle rebuild'
The Flask components of the app require an API key.
Create a new Django superuser account through the CLI.
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker exec -it voyages-api bash -c 'python3 createsuperuser'
Use those credentials to log in to the Django admin interface at and create an API token for the account.
Update the src/stats/
and src/networks/
files with
the new token.
Restart the Flask component containers.
local:~/Projects/voyages-api$ docker restart voyages-geo-networks voyages-people-networks voyages-stats
If you want to tear it down:
local:~/Projects/voyagesapi$ docker compose down
local:~/Projects/voyagesapi$ docker container prune -f
local:~/Projects/voyagesapi$ docker image prune -f
local:~/Projects/voyagesapi$ docker volume prune -f
local:~/Projects/voyagesapi$ docker network prune -f
Note the following project resources:
- Voyages API:
- API Stats Component:
- API Geo Networks Component:
- API People Networks Component:
- Solr:
- Adminer:
- Redis:
This container runs NetworkX and Pandas in order to build splined geographic sankey maps that are aggregated in a weighted manner on shared routes.
When initialized for the first time, for voyages and people, at region and place levels (A total of 4 runs):
- Creates a basic geographic network in NetworkX
- Asks the voyages-api component for relevant geo data to flesh the map out
- Then pulls the full itinerary for
- the class in question (voyages or people)
- at the resolution in question (regions or places)
- For each of those entities
- It draws the full, splined path
- Stores the touched nodes and edges in a dataframe
- At the end of each run, it
- Loads the full dataframe into memory
- And dumps the results to a pickle file under /tmp
This can take 15 minutes. When initialized subsequently, it loads the pickles into memory in about 2 seconds.
The Adminer container is provided as an optional way of working with the database.
Visit and log in with the following values.
- Server: voyages-mysql
- User: voyages
- Password: voyages
- Database: voyages-api
This project follows a fork-and-pull workflow.
- The
repository is referred to asupstream
and your fork asorigin
- The upstream/develop branch serves as the default change integration point between developers
- A developer makes Pull Requests from their origin/working-branch to upstream/develop
Keep the following in mind when contributing code.
- Keep your fork up-to-date with the upstream repository
- Always start new work with a new working branch
- Periodically fetch and rebase the latest upstream/develop changes onto your local working-branch
- Do not make Pull Requests containing untested or unfinished code unless intended for temporary review and discussion
- Clean up the work in your local environment once a Pull Request has been accepted and merged
Use the following git process to contribute work.
git fetch upstream # Pull the latest changes from upstream/develop
git checkout -b <short-desc> # and create a new working branch
git fetch upstream # Do work; before any commits, pull the latest
git rebase upstream/develop # changes from upstream/develop and rebase onto
# your working branch
git add . && git commit # Commit your changes to the working branch
# Repeat pulling changes and adding commits until
# your work is done
git push origin HEAD # Push the working branch to your fork and make
gh pr create --fill # a Pull Request to upstream/develop
git checkout develop # Once the PR is accepted and merged, delete
git branch -D <short-desc> # your working branch
git pull # Pull the latest changes from upstream/develop
git push # and update your fork by pushing to origin/develop