(Un)official PHP bindings for the Open Brewery DB API. Open Brewery DB provides a public dataset for breweries around the world, as well as offering an API to retrieve data in various forms. This library aims to provide straight and easy-to-use PHP bindings for querying the API. The library is inspired by the Open AI client for PHP - please give it star as well!
To get started, first install the package with composer:
$ composer require joeymckenzie/openbrewerydb-php-client
Next, spin up a new client within your code and fire away!
require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
use OpenBreweryDb\OpenBreweryDb;
$client = OpenBreweryDb::client();
// Get a list of breweries, based on all types of different search criteria
$breweries = $client->breweries()->list([
'by_city' => 'Sacramento',
// Retrieve various metadata about breweries from the API
$metadata = $client->breweries()->metadata();
// Get a random brewery with a specified page size
$randomBrewery = $client->breweries()->random(5);
The library relies on autodiscovery and will use whichever package that implements PSR-17 within your composer dependencies. You are free to use the HTTP client of you choice, though a popular package is Guzzle.
Though I am not affiliated with organization itself, check out the entire set of APIs offered by Open Brewery DB, check out the docs on their website.