Reason for this script:
SFF does not allow direct usage of bin/cue files. Instead it expects a physical disc. This causes two issues:
You're required to have a disc drive on the device you are on.
You can't just specify target params if you are using Steam like with other emulators.
This can be sovled by downloading Daemon Tools lite and mounting your bin/cue virtually. This script dares to go one step further. This script creates exe's from bat files so that you can mount the bin/cue file, open SSF, and run the game -- all with one click.
Use this in Ice's consoles.txt file
in order to use the %fn param I had to download the lastest version of Ice from their repo.
Use this in Ice's emulators.txt file
Run Ice like you normally would with other emulators.
Assuming your bin/cue files are named correctly (check with, then you should see your games in Steam after running Ice.
Edit the Python script to point to your DAEMON Tools lite exe and the SSF.exe.
Run the script in the same folder as all of your bin/cue files.
Run the game in Steam and it should mount your game and boot SSF.
I do not support piracy. This is just a way to stream line your Sega Saturn back ups in to Steam.