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XInput 🎮

Welcome to XInput, your go-to solution for integrating Xbox controller support into your applications! This feature-rich application showcases the seamless integration of Xbox controllers, complete with vibration effects and real-time controller state monitoring.


With a clean and well-commented codebase, this project serves as an invaluable resource for developers looking to harness the power of XInput in their Windows applications. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, the XInput app provides a solid foundation for building immersive gaming experiences and beyond.

Code Walkthrough

Welcome to the XInput project in this walkthrough, we will go through the code line by line to understand how it works. This code is designed to integrate Xbox controller support into applications, allowing developers to interact with Xbox controllers seamlessly. Let's dive in!


Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
  • Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices: This line imports the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, which provides functionality for interacting with unmanaged code. This is crucial for calling functions from the XInput library, which is used to communicate with Xbox controllers.


XboxControllers Structure

Public Structure XboxControllers
  • Public Structure XboxControllers: This defines a public structure named XboxControllers. A structure is a value type that can hold data members and methods related to Xbox controller input.


DllImport for XInputGetState

Private Shared Function XInputGetState(dwUserIndex As Integer,
                                 ByRef pState As XINPUT_STATE) As Integer
End Function
  • <DllImport("XInput1_4.dll")>: This attribute allows the function XInputGetState to be called from the XInput DLL, which is necessary for getting the current state of the Xbox controller.
  • Private Shared Function XInputGetState: This function retrieves the current state of the specified Xbox controller.
    • dwUserIndex: An integer that represents the index of the controller (0 for the first, 1 for the second, etc.).
    • ByRef pState As XINPUT_STATE: A reference to an XINPUT_STATE structure that will be filled with the controller's state. The function returns an integer indicating success or failure.



Public Structure XINPUT_STATE
    Public dwPacketNumber As UInteger
    Public Gamepad As XINPUT_GAMEPAD
End Structure
  • <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)>: This attribute specifies that the layout of the structure is defined explicitly, allowing for precise control over the memory layout.
  • Public Structure XINPUT_STATE: This structure holds the state of the controller.
    • dwPacketNumber: An unsigned 32-bit integer range 0 through 4,294,967,295 that helps track the state changes.
    • Gamepad: An instance of the XINPUT_GAMEPAD structure, which contains the button and thumbstick states.



Public Structure XINPUT_GAMEPAD
    Public wButtons As UShort ' Unsigned 16-bit (2-byte) integer range 0 through 65,535.
    Public bLeftTrigger As Byte ' Unsigned 8-bit (1-byte) integer range 0 through 255.
    Public bRightTrigger As Byte
    Public sThumbLX As Short ' Signed 16-bit (2-byte) integer range -32,768 through 32,767.
    Public sThumbLY As Short
    Public sThumbRX As Short
    Public sThumbRY As Short
End Structure
  • <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)>: This attribute specifies that the fields of the structure should be laid out in the order they are defined.
  • Public Structure XINPUT_GAMEPAD: This structure contains the states of the gamepad buttons and thumbsticks.
    • wButtons: Stores the state of the buttons. Each button has a unique bit value.
    • bLeftTrigger and bRightTrigger: Store the values of the left and right triggers, respectively.
    • sThumbLX, sThumbLY, sThumbRX, sThumbRY: Store the positions of the thumbsticks along the X and Y axes.


State Variable

Private State As XINPUT_STATE
  • Private State As XINPUT_STATE: This variable will hold the current state of the Xbox controller.


Button Enumeration

Private Enum Button
    DPadUp = 1
    DPadDown = 2
    DPadLeft = 4
    DPadRight = 8
    Start = 16
    Back = 32
    LeftStick = 64
    RightStick = 128
    LeftBumper = 256
    RightBumper = 512
    A = 4096
    B = 8192
    X = 16384
    Y = 32768
End Enum
  • Private Enum Button: This enumeration defines constants for each button on the Xbox controller. Each button is assigned a unique bit value, allowing for easy state checking using bitwise operations.


Neutral Zone Constants

Private Const NeutralStart As Short = -16384 '-16,384 = -32,768 / 2
Private Const NeutralEnd As Short = 16384 '16,383.5 = 32,767 / 2
  • Private Const NeutralStart: This constant defines the starting point of the thumbstick neutral zone.
  • Private Const NeutralEnd: This constant defines the endpoint of the thumbstick neutral zone. The thumbstick must move beyond these points to register as active.

The Neutral Zone


Trigger Threshold Constant

Private Const TriggerThreshold As Byte = 64 '64 = 256 / 4
  • Private Const TriggerThreshold: This constant sets the minimum value for the triggers to be considered pressed.

The Trigger Threshold


Connected Controllers Array

Public Connected() As Boolean
  • Public Connected() As Boolean: This array keeps track of whether up to four controllers are connected.


Other Variables

Private ConnectionStart As Date
Public Buttons() As UShort
Public LeftThumbstickXaxisNeutral() As Boolean
Public LeftThumbstickYaxisNeutral() As Boolean
Public RightThumbstickXaxisNeutral() As Boolean
Public RightThumbstickYaxisNeutral() As Boolean
Public DPadNeutral() As Boolean
Public LetterButtonsNeutral() As Boolean
  • These variables are used to store various states of the controllers, including button states, thumbstick positions, and whether the D-Pad and letter buttons are in a neutral position.


Initialize Method

Public Sub Initialize()
  • Public Sub Initialize(): This method initializes the Xbox controller structure and its properties.

Inside the Initialize Method

Connected = New Boolean(0 To 3) {}
  • Initializes the Connected array to indicate whether controllers are connected.
ConnectionStart = DateTime.Now
  • Records the current date and time when initialization starts.
Buttons = New UShort(0 To 3) {}
  • Initializes the Buttons array to store the state of the controller buttons.
LeftThumbstickXaxisNeutral = New Boolean(0 To 3) {}
LeftThumbstickYaxisNeutral = New Boolean(0 To 3) {}
RightThumbstickXaxisNeutral = New Boolean(0 To 3) {}
RightThumbstickYaxisNeutral = New Boolean(0 To 3) {}
  • Initializes arrays to check if thumbstick axes are in the neutral position.
DPadNeutral = New Boolean(0 To 3) {}
LetterButtonsNeutral = New Boolean(0 To 3) {}
  • Initializes arrays to check if the D-Pad and letter buttons are in the neutral position.
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
    LeftThumbstickXaxisNeutral(i) = True
    LeftThumbstickYaxisNeutral(i) = True
    RightThumbstickXaxisNeutral(i) = True
    RightThumbstickYaxisNeutral(i) = True
    DPadNeutral(i) = True
    LetterButtonsNeutral(i) = True
  • This loop sets all thumbstick axes and button states to neutral for all controllers.
TimeToVibe = 1000 'ms
  • Sets the default vibration time to 1000 milliseconds (1 second).
  • Calls the TestInitialization method to verify that everything is set up correctly.


Update Method

Public Sub Update()
  • Public Sub Update(): This method is called repeatedly to check for updates in the controller state.

Inside the Update Method

Dim ElapsedTime As TimeSpan = Now - ConnectionStart
  • Calculates the elapsed time since the connection started.
If ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds >= 1 Then
    For ControllerNumber As Integer = 0 To 3
        Connected(ControllerNumber) = IsConnected(ControllerNumber)
    ConnectionStart = DateTime.Now
End If
  • Every second, it checks if the controllers are still connected and updates the Connected array accordingly.
For ControllerNumber As Integer = 0 To 3
    If Connected(ControllerNumber) Then
    End If
  • Loops through each controller and updates its state if it is connected.
  • Calls the method to update the vibration timers for the controllers.


UpdateState Method

Public Sub UpdateState(controllerNumber As Integer)
  • Public Sub UpdateState(controllerNumber As Integer): This method retrieves and updates the state of a specific controller.

Inside the UpdateState Method

    XInputGetState(controllerNumber, State)
Catch ex As Exception
    Debug.Print($"Error getting XInput state: {controllerNumber} | {ex.Message}")
End Try
  • Tries to get the state of the specified controller and update its buttons, thumbsticks, and triggers. If an error occurs, it prints the error message to the debug console.


UpdateButtons Method

Private Sub UpdateButtons(CID As Integer)
  • Private Sub UpdateButtons(CID As Integer): This method updates the state of the buttons for the specified controller.

Inside the UpdateButtons Method

Buttons(CID) = State.Gamepad.wButtons
  • Calls various methods to update the states of the D-Pad, letter buttons, bumpers, stick buttons, and start/back buttons. It also updates the Buttons array with the current state of the buttons.


UpdateThumbsticks and UpdateTriggers Methods

Private Sub UpdateThumbsticks(controllerNumber As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateTriggers(controllerNumber As Integer)
End Sub
  • These methods call their respective update methods for the left and right thumbsticks and triggers.


UpdateDPadButtons Method

Private Sub UpdateDPadButtons(CID As Integer)
    DPadUp(CID) = (State.Gamepad.wButtons And Button.DPadUp) <> 0
    DPadDown(CID) = (State.Gamepad.wButtons And Button.DPadDown) <> 0
    DPadLeft(CID) = (State.Gamepad.wButtons And Button.DPadLeft) <> 0
    DPadRight(CID) = (State.Gamepad.wButtons And Button.DPadRight) <> 0
End Sub
  • This method checks the current state of the D-Pad buttons and updates the corresponding boolean arrays.


UpdateThumbstick Methods

Private Sub UpdateLeftThumbstick(ControllerNumber As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateRightThumbstick(ControllerNumber As Integer)
End Sub
  • These methods call the respective methods to update the X and Y axes of the left and right thumbsticks.


UpdateTrigger Methods

Private Sub UpdateLeftTrigger(ControllerNumber As Integer)
    If State.Gamepad.bLeftTrigger > TriggerThreshold Then
        LeftTrigger(ControllerNumber) = True
        LeftTrigger(ControllerNumber) = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub UpdateRightTrigger(ControllerNumber As Integer)
    If State.Gamepad.bRightTrigger > TriggerThreshold Then
        RightTrigger(ControllerNumber) = True
        RightTrigger(ControllerNumber) = False
    End If
End Sub
  • These methods check the state of the left and right triggers against the threshold and update their respective boolean arrays.


UpdateDPadNeutral Method

Private Sub UpdateDPadNeutral(controllerNumber As Integer)
    If DPadDown(controllerNumber) Or DPadLeft(controllerNumber) Or DPadRight(controllerNumber) Or DPadUp(controllerNumber) Then
        DPadNeutral(controllerNumber) = False
        DPadNeutral(controllerNumber) = True
    End If
End Sub
  • This method checks if any D-Pad buttons are pressed and updates the neutral state accordingly.


IsConnected Method

Public Function IsConnected(controllerNumber As Integer) As Boolean
  • Public Function IsConnected(controllerNumber As Integer) As Boolean: This method checks if a specific controller is connected.

Inside the IsConnected Method

    Return XInputGetState(controllerNumber, State) = 0
Catch ex As Exception
    Debug.Print($"Error getting XInput state: {controllerNumber} | {ex.Message}")
    Return False
End Try
  • It attempts to get the state of the specified controller. If successful (returns 0), the controller is connected. If an error occurs, it prints the error message and returns False.


TestInitialization Method

Public Sub TestInitialization()
  • Public Sub TestInitialization(): This method verifies that the initialization of the controllers was successful.

Inside the TestInitialization Method

Debug.Assert(Not ConnectionStart = Nothing, $"Connection Start should not be Nothing.")
Debug.Assert(Buttons IsNot Nothing, $"Buttons should not be Nothing.")
Debug.Assert(Not TimeToVibe = Nothing, $"TimeToVibe should not be Nothing.")
  • These assertions check that critical variables are initialized correctly.
For i As Integer = 0 To 3
    Debug.Assert(Not Connected(i), $"Controller {i} should not be connected after initialization.")
    Debug.Assert(LeftThumbstickXaxisNeutral(i), $"Left Thumbstick X-axis for Controller {i} should be neutral.")
    Debug.Assert(LeftThumbstickYaxisNeutral(i), $"Left Thumbstick Y-axis for Controller {i} should be neutral.")
    Debug.Assert(RightThumbstickXaxisNeutral(i), $"Right Thumbstick X-axis for Controller {i} should be neutral.")
    Debug.Assert(RightThumbstickYaxisNeutral(i), $"Right Thumbstick Y-axis for Controller {i} should be neutral.")
    Debug.Assert(DPadNeutral(i), $"DPad for Controller {i} should be neutral.")
    Debug.Assert(LetterButtonsNeutral(i), $"Letter Buttons for Controller {i} should be neutral.")
  • This loop checks that all controllers are initialized as not connected and that their thumbsticks and buttons are in the neutral position.


Vibrate Methods

Public Sub VibrateLeft(CID As Integer, Speed As UShort)
  • Public Sub VibrateLeft(CID As Integer, Speed As UShort): This method triggers the left motor of the controller to vibrate at a specified speed.

Inside the VibrateLeft Method

Vibration.wLeftMotorSpeed = Speed
LeftVibrateStart(CID) = Now
IsLeftVibrating(CID) = True
  • Sets the left motor speed, records the start time, and marks the left motor as vibrating.


SendVibrationMotorCommand Method

Private Sub SendVibrationMotorCommand(ControllerID As Integer)
  • Private Sub SendVibrationMotorCommand(ControllerID As Integer): This method sends the vibration command to the specified controller.

Inside the SendVibrationMotorCommand Method

If XInputSetState(ControllerID, Vibration) = 0 Then
    ' The motor speed was set. Success.
    Debug.Print($"{ControllerID} did not vibrate.  {Vibration.wLeftMotorSpeed} |  {Vibration.wRightMotorSpeed} ")
End If
  • Checks if the vibration command was successful and prints a message if it failed.


UpdateVibrateTimers Method

Public Sub UpdateVibrateTimers()
End Sub
  • This method updates the vibration timers for both the left and right motors of the controllers.


UpdateLeftVibrateTimer Method

Private Sub UpdateLeftVibrateTimer()
  • Private Sub UpdateLeftVibrateTimer(): This method checks if the left motor is still vibrating and calculates how long it has been vibrating.

Inside the UpdateLeftVibrateTimer Method

For ControllerNumber As Integer = 0 To 3
    If IsLeftVibrating(ControllerNumber) Then
        Dim ElapsedTime As TimeSpan = Now - LeftVibrateStart(ControllerNumber)
        If ElapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds >= TimeToVibe Then
            IsLeftVibrating(ControllerNumber) = False
            Vibration.wLeftMotorSpeed = 0
        End If
    End If
  • This loop checks if the left motor is vibrating. If the elapsed time exceeds the set vibration time, it stops the vibration and sets the motor speed to zero.


UpdateRightVibrateTimer Method

Private Sub UpdateRightVibrateTimer()
  • Private Sub UpdateRightVibrateTimer(): This method checks if the right motor is still vibrating and calculates how long it has been vibrating.

Inside the UpdateRightVibrateTimer Method

For ControllerNumber As Integer = 0 To 3

    If IsRightVibrating(ControllerNumber) Then

        Dim ElapsedTime As TimeSpan = Now - RightVibrateStart(ControllerNumber)

        If ElapsedTime.TotalMilliseconds >= TimeToVibe Then

            IsRightVibrating(ControllerNumber) = False

            Vibration.wRightMotorSpeed = 0

        End If


    End If

  • This loop checks if the right motor is vibrating. If the elapsed time exceeds the set vibration time, it stops the vibration and sets the motor speed to zero.


Form1 Class

Class Declaration

Public Class Form1
    Private Controllers As XboxControllers
  • Public Class Form1: This defines the main form of the application.
  • Private Controllers As XboxControllers: This variable holds an instance of the XboxControllers structure, allowing access to its methods and properties.


Form Load Event

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
  • Private Sub Form1_Load: This event handler is called when the form loads.
  • InitializeApp(): Calls the method to set up the application.
  • Controllers.Initialize(): Initializes the Xbox controllers.

Timer Tick Event

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
End Sub
  • Private Sub Timer1_Tick: This event handler is triggered by a timer tick event.
  • Controllers.Update(): Calls the update method to check the current state of the controllers.
  • UpdateLabels(): Updates the UI labels to reflect the current state of the controllers.
  • UpdateRumbleGroupUI(): Updates the UI elements related to the vibration settings.

Button Click Events

Private Sub ButtonVibrateLeft_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonVibrateLeft.Click
    If Controllers.Connected(NumControllerToVib.Value) Then
        Controllers.VibrateLeft(NumControllerToVib.Value, TrackBarSpeed.Value)
    End If
End Sub
  • Private Sub ButtonVibrateLeft_Click: This event handler is triggered when the "Vibrate Left" button is clicked.
  • Checks if the selected controller is connected and calls the VibrateLeft method with the specified speed.
Private Sub ButtonVibrateRight_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonVibrateRight.Click
    If Controllers.Connected(NumControllerToVib.Value) Then
        Controllers.VibrateRight(NumControllerToVib.Value, TrackBarSpeed.Value)
    End If
End Sub
  • Private Sub ButtonVibrateRight_Click: Similar to the left vibration button, this triggers vibration on the right motor.

TrackBar and NumericUpDown Events

Private Sub TrackBarSpeed_Scroll(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TrackBarSpeed.Scroll
End Sub
  • Private Sub TrackBarSpeed_Scroll: This event updates the speed label based on the value selected in the trackbar.
Private Sub NumericUpDownTimeToVib_ValueChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NumericUpDownTimeToVib.ValueChanged
    Controllers.TimeToVibe = NumericUpDownTimeToVib.Value
End Sub
  • Private Sub NumericUpDownTimeToVib_ValueChanged: Updates the vibration duration when the numeric up/down value changes.

UpdateLabels Method

Private Sub UpdateLabels()
    For ControllerNumber As Integer = 0 To 3
        If Controllers.Connected(ControllerNumber) Then
        End If
End Sub
  • Private Sub UpdateLabels: This method updates the UI labels for each controller.
  • It loops through each controller (0 to 3) and checks if it is connected. For connected controllers, it updates various UI elements to reflect the current state of thumbsticks, buttons, and triggers.

UpdateControllerStatusLabel Method

Private Sub UpdateControllerStatusLabel(controllerNumber As Integer)
    Dim status As String = If(Controllers.Connected(controllerNumber), "Connected", "Not Connected")
    Dim labelText As String = $"Controller {controllerNumber} {status}"
    Select Case controllerNumber
        Case 0
            LabelController0Status.Text = labelText
        Case 1
            LabelController1Status.Text = labelText
        Case 2
            LabelController2Status.Text = labelText
        Case 3
            LabelController3Status.Text = labelText
    End Select
End Sub
  • Private Sub UpdateControllerStatusLabel: This method updates the status label for each controller based on whether it is connected or not.

Rumble Group UI Method

Private Sub UpdateRumbleGroupUI()
    Dim NumberOfConnectedControllers As Integer
    Dim HighestConnectedControllerNumber As Integer

    For ControllerNumber As Integer = 0 To 3
        If Controllers.Connected(ControllerNumber) Then
            NumberOfConnectedControllers += 1
            HighestConnectedControllerNumber = ControllerNumber
        End If

    If NumberOfConnectedControllers > 0 Then
        NumControllerToVib.Maximum = HighestConnectedControllerNumber
        RumbleGroupBox.Enabled = True
        If Controllers.Connected(NumControllerToVib.Value) Then
            ButtonVibrateLeft.Enabled = True
            ButtonVibrateRight.Enabled = True
            TrackBarSpeed.Enabled = True
            LabelSpeed.Enabled = True
            NumericUpDownTimeToVib.Enabled = True
            LabelTimeToVibe.Enabled = True
            ButtonVibrateLeft.Enabled = False
            ButtonVibrateRight.Enabled = False
            TrackBarSpeed.Enabled = False
            LabelSpeed.Enabled = False
            NumericUpDownTimeToVib.Enabled = False
            LabelTimeToVibe.Enabled = False
        End If
        NumControllerToVib.Maximum = 0
        RumbleGroupBox.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub
  • Private Sub UpdateRumbleGroupUI: This method updates the UI elements related to vibration settings based on the connected controllers.

Additional Methods for Clearing Labels

The code contains several methods that clear labels when the respective buttons or thumbsticks are not active. These methods check the state of each controller and update the UI accordingly.

In this detailed walkthrough, we've covered the key components of the Xbox controller integration code. This code allows developers to interact with Xbox controllers, monitor their states, and provide haptic feedback through vibration. Understanding each part of this code will empower you to implement and customize Xbox controller functionality in your applications.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on specific parts of the code, feel free to ask! Happy coding!

The Neutral Zone

The neutral zone refers to a specific range of input values for a controller's thumbsticks or triggers where no significant action or movement is registered. This is particularly important in gaming to prevent unintentional inputs when the player is not actively manipulating the controls.

The neutral zone helps to filter out minor movements that may occur when the thumbsticks or triggers are at rest. This prevents accidental inputs and enhances gameplay precision.

For thumbsticks, the neutral zone is defined by a range of values (-16384 to 16384 for a signed 16-bit integer). Movements beyond this range are considered active inputs.


Reduces the likelihood of unintentional actions, leading to a smoother gaming experience. Enhances control sensitivity, allowing for more nuanced gameplay, especially in fast-paced or competitive environments. Understanding the neutral zone is crucial for both developers and players to ensure that controller inputs are accurate and intentional.


The Trigger Threshold

The trigger threshold refers to the minimum amount of pressure or movement required on a controller's trigger (or analog input) before it registers as an active input. This concept is crucial for ensuring that the controller responds accurately to player actions without registering unintended inputs.

The trigger threshold helps filter out minor or unintentional movements. It ensures that only deliberate actions are registered, improving gameplay precision.

For example, in a typical game controller, the trigger may have a range of values from 0 to 255 (for an 8-bit input). A threshold might be set at 64, meaning the trigger must be pulled beyond this value to register as "pressed." Values below 64 would be considered inactive.


Reduces accidental inputs during gameplay, especially in fast-paced scenarios where slight movements could lead to unintended actions. Provides a more controlled and responsive gaming experience, allowing players to execute actions more precisely.

Commonly used in racing games (for acceleration and braking), shooting games (for aiming and firing), and other genres where trigger sensitivity is important. Understanding the trigger threshold is essential for both developers and players to ensure that controller inputs are intentional and accurately reflect the player's actions.



Feel free to experiment with the code, modify it, and add new features as you learn more about programming! If you have any questions, please post on the Q & A Discussion Forum, don’t hesitate to ask.

MIT License
Copyright(c) 2023 Joseph W. Lumbley