termer_koncept_yrke.csv - yrkestitlar (arbetsgivarnas beskrivning från platsannonstexter, ej yrken enligt https://www.scb.se/dokumentation/klassifikationer-och-standarder/standard-for-svensk-yrkesklassificering-ssyk/ ) /job title terms
termer_koncept_kompetens.csv - kompetensord/competences
termer_koncept_formaga.csv - förmågor/soft skills
term - term in lowercaseuuid - unique id for concept ( this id will be replaced when the Ontology is merged with the Jobtech Taxonomy)
concept - preferred term for the concept. Many terms can refer to the same concept.
term_uuid - unique id for term
term_misspelled - True if the term is misspelled, points to the same concept as at least one correctly spelled term
version - build version of the ontology files for download