openPCM is a web based management tool for virtualization clusters. It uses KVM as hypervisor and integrates well with other open source tools like pacemaker and DRBD.
Webserver with:
- PHP 5.3.3+
- Apache with mod_rewrite
- libssh2-php
- php5-ldap
Extract openPCM to /var/www and let your Apache DocumentRoot point to /var/www/web/
Copy /var/www/app/config/parameters.yml.dist to parameters.yml and edit the database settings
Install libaries:
cd /var/www && composer.phar update
Setup database
php /var/www/app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Create an admin user
php /var/www/app/console fos:user:create admin123 --super-admin
Create SSH key
cd /var/www/app/config/ssh && ssh-keygen -N "" -f id_rsa
Login with your admin user http://localhost/