- Increments the counter when coming across the newline character '\n',
at the end of the file character '\0' is not counted.
- This implementation is similar to the "wc -l" command in Linux.
- Execeute the prog executable by providing the filename as the argument(first argument) to the commandline .
- A scientific calculator which is abled to do following calculations :
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division also division by zero operation
- expression in parenthesis
- can handle unary minus operator
- can have single length smallcase variables
- supports real values
- supports trignometric functions and inverse trignometric functions(sin, cos, tan)
- Does take into consideration the priority of the operators.
- Interpreted calculator like bc(ignore the fact of very long long numbers).
- If you make any changes in the source code, you can directly the "run.sh"
bash script, otherwise execute the "scientific_calculator" executable.