Welcome! It's cocktail time!
In this website you can find:
- "Advent Calendar" homepage - 24 days of cocktails. Photos and cocktail names were added from API using JavaScript. Also date and time are active;
- "Cocktail finder" page - search for your favorite cocktails by name. Photos and all info about cocktails were added from API using JavaScript;
- "Home bar" page - make cocktails at home using ingredients you already have! Click on any ingredient and you'll see which cocktails you can make. Info was added from API using JavaScript;
- "Popular" page - Display info about top 6 popular cocktails (HTML, CSS);
- "Converter" page - there you can convert ounces to mililitres and centilitres, mililitres to ounces and centilitres and centilitres to mililitres and ounces - JavaScript; Furthermore there's active Menu in all pages, so you can go from one page to other easy.
This project is for educational porpuses only.
- responsive design
- multi-page
- css components
- javascript