CS 7290 Project: Causal Modeling with a Variational Autoencoder
Refactor the provided program such that there is a causal relationship between the given variables.
What would the image be like if we change something?
- Where is the DAG? How to find it?
- Which part to refactor?
- What is the use of SCM?
Week 1
- Topic Determination
- Literature Reviews
Week 2
- Literature Reviews
- Task Assignment
Week 3
- Understanding the pyro tutorial for creating, training, and making inference on VAE models
- De-noising exogenous variables for image representations in SCM (stochastic causal model)
Week 4
- Fine-tuning Encoder and Decoder in VAE model for refactoring
- Training the model so that the orignial images can be reconstructed
- Creating conditioned model on one of the labels
- Intervening on the conditioned model by applying do-operation on the other labels
- Visualizing results and drawing insights from them
Week 5
- Formatting the notebook
- Ready for presentation