A functional style HTTP request composer, heavily inspired by the kewler color manipulation module.
Disclaimer! This is an untested proof of concept with the main aim to get me learning functional programming. It "should work" though! ;)
lets you compose HTTP request endlessly until you invoke a rekuest
object without any arguments.
import { rekuest, method, url, uri, body, params } from 'rekuest'
const apiRequest = rekuest(url('http://api.com'))
const userUpdateRequest = apiRequest(uri('/users/:id'), method('put'))
const dryUserUpdateRequest = userUpdateRequest(body({ dry: 'sure-thing' }))
const dryUserUpdateRequestWithData = dryUserUpdateRequest(
params({ id: someUserId })
// It feels like we are ready to make the request.
dryUserUpdateRequestWithData().then(/* handle response */)
Note: We are largely omitting import of rekuest
Create a base request modifier, which we will use in the succeeding examples:
import { rekuest, url } from 'rekuest'
export const api = rekuest(url('http://my.api.com'))
Fetch some articles:
const getArticles = api(uri('/articles'))
getArticles().then(/* do stuff */)
Update a user:
const updateUser = api(
params({ id: someUserId }),
body({ name: 'Boop' })
updateUser().then(/* ... */)
Make some handy request helpers:
const get = api(method('get'))
const put = api(method('put'))
const post = api(method('post'), headers({ 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' }))
const del = api(method('delete'))
Go nuts and make an API resource factory:
const resource = (name) => {
return {
list: () => get(uri(`/${name}`))(),
get: (id) => get(uri(`/${name}/:id`), params({ id }))(),
create: (data) => post(uri(`/${name}`), body(data))(),
update: (id, data) => put(uri(`/${name}/:id`), params({ id }), body(data))(),
remove: (id) => del(uri(`/${name}/:id`), params({ id }))(),
// Later on...
const articles = resource('articles')
articles.list().then(response => console.log(response))
articles.get(421).then(/* ... */)
articles.create({ title: 'My article' }).then(/* ... */)
articles.update(421, { title: 'My improved article' }).then(/* ... */)
articles.remove(421).then(/* ... */)