Binary Term Document Incidence Matrix is a well known solution model for Information Retrival Problem.
The Boolean retrieval model is a model for information retrieval in which we can pose any query which is in the form of a Boolean expression of terms, that is, in which terms are combined with the operators and ( & ) , or ( | ) , and not( ! ). The model views each document as just a set of words.
- Select numeber of documents ( between 2-9 )
- Give Names to those docs. and provide appropriate content of it.
- Type your Query and Hit apply.
- You can use opeartors & for Logical AND, | for logical OR, ! for Logical NOT
- You need to put tokens in between tags ( Example. <token> )
- You can use only Round Brackets ( ) for evaluation priority of the sub expression.
// query in layman terms.
Brutus AND Caesar AND NOT Calpurnia
//query for this application
<Brutus> & <Caesar> & !<Calpurnia>
(<Brutus> & <Caesar>) & (!<Calpurnia>)