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JimKirby edited this page Feb 7, 2016 · 1 revision

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Model Development:

1 Ma, G., Shi, F. and Kirby, J. T., 2012, "Shock-capturing non-hydrostatic model for fully dispersive surface wave processes", Ocean Modelling, 43-44, 22-35, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2011.12.002

2 Ma, G., Kirby, J T., Su, S. F., Figlus, J. and Shi, F., 2013, "Numerical study of turbulence and wave damping induced by vegetation canopies", Coastal Engineering, 80, 68-78, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2013.05.007

3 Ma, G., Kirby, J. T. and Shi, F., 2013, "Numerical simulation of tsunami waves generated by deformable submarine landslides", Ocean Modelling, 69, 146-165, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.07.001.

4 Ma, G., Chou, Y. J., and Shi, F. (2014). A wave-resolving model for nearshore suspended sediment transport. Ocean Modelling, 77, (pp. 33-49).

5 Ma, G., Shi, F., Hsiao, S. C., and Wu, Y. T. (2014). Non-hydrostatic modeling of wave interactions with porous structures. Coastal Engineering, 91, (pp. 84-98).

6 Shi, J., Shi, F., Kirby, J. T., Ma, G.. Wu, G., Tong, C. and Zheng, J., 2015, "Pressure decimation and interpolation (PDI) method for a baroclinic non-hydrostatic model", Ocean Modelling, 96, 265-279, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.09.010

7 Ma, G., Kirby, J. T., Hsu, T.-J. and Shi, F., 2015, "A two-layer granular landslide model for tsunami wave generation: Theory and computation", Ocean Modelling, 93, 40-55, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.07.012 

8 Kirby, J. T., Shi, F., Nicolsky, D. and Misra, S., 2016, "The 27 April 1975 Kitimat, British Columbia submarine landslide tsunami: A comparison of modeling approaches", Landslides, in press. 

9 Derakhti, M., Kirby, J. T., Shi, F. and Ma, G., 2016, "NHWAVE: Governing equations, consistent boundary conditions and turbulence modeling", Ocean Modelling, revised and resubmitted, January. 

10 Orzech, M., Shi, F., Veeramony, J., Bateman, S., Calantoni, J. and Kirby, J. T., 2015, "Incorporating floating surface objects into a fully dispersive surface wave model", Ocean Modelling, under revision. 

Model application: Wave transformation, surf zone and wave breaking.

1 Tian, M., Sheremet, A., Kaihatu, J. M., and Ma, G. (2015). On the shoaling of solitary waves in the presence of short random waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, (pp. 792-806).

2 Derakhti, M., Kirby, J. T., Shi, F. and Ma, G., 2016, "Wave breaking in the surf zone and deep water in a non-hydrostatic model. Part 1: Cross-shore wave transformation", submitted to Ocean Modelling, January.

3 Derakhti, M., Kirby, J. T., Shi, F. and Ma, G., 2016, "Wave breaking in the surf zone and deep water in a non-hydrostatic model. Part 2: Breaking-induced velocity and turbulence", submitted to Ocean Modelling, January.

Model application: Tsunami sources.

1 Tappin, D. R., Grilli, S. T., Harris, J. C., Geller, R. J., Masterlark, T., Kirby, J. T., Shi, F., Ma, G., Thingbaijam, K. K. S. and Mai, P. M., 2014, "Did a submarine landslide contribute to the 2011 Tohoku tsunami?", Marine Geology, 357, 344-361, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2014.09.043

2 Grilli, S. T., O'Reilly, C., Harris, J. C., Tajalli Bakhsh, T., Tehranirad, B., Banihashemi, S., Kirby, J. T., Baxter, C. D. P., Eggeling, T., Ma, G. and Shi, F., 2015, "Modeling of SMF tsunami hazard along the upper U. S. East Coast: Detailed impact around Ocean City, MD", Nat. Hazards, 76, 705-746, doi:10.1007/s11069-014-1522-8

3 Schnyder, J. S. D., Eberli, G. P., Kirby, J. T., Shi, F., Tehranirad, B., Mulder, T., Ducassou, E., Hebbeln, D. and Wintersteller, P., 2015, "Paleo-tsunamis caused by submarine slope failures along western Great Bahama Bank", submitted to Geology, December.

4 Kirby, J. T., Shi, F., Nicolsky, D. and Misra, S., 2016, "The 27 April 1975 Kitimat, British Columbia submarine landslide tsunami: A comparison of modeling approaches", Landslides, in press.

Model Application: Stratified flows.

1 Yu, X., Hsu, T.-J., Shi, F., Geyer, W. R. and Kirby, J. T., 2015, "Large eddy simulation of idealized river plumes at high Reynolds number", submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, under revision.

2 Shi, F., Chickadel, C., Hsu, T.-J., Kirby, J. T., Farquharson, G. and Ma, G., 2015, "Frontal features of the Columbia River mouth seen from a high-resolution non-hydrostatic model", submitted to Estuaries and Coasts, December.

Nearshore sediment transport, turbulence and vegetation interactions:

1 Ma, G., Han, Y., Niroomandi, A., and Liu, S. (2015). Numerical study of sediment transport on the tidal flat with a patch of vegetation. Ocean Dynamics, 65, (pp. 203-222).

2 Keshtpoor, M., Puleo, J. A., Shi, F., and Ma, G. (2015). 3D numerical simulation of turbulence and sediment transport within a tidal inlet. Coastal Engineering, 96, (pp. 13-26).

3 Wu W.-C., Ma G. and Cox D., 2015, Modeling wave attenuation induced by vertical variation of vegetation density, Coastal Engineering, under revision, Sep.