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Calculator made with C

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Libraries 📜

Calculator 🖥️

This C progam functions as a calculator and performs 
some popular calculator arithmetic operations, 
as well as a few advanced ones. 

Table showing all operations of the calculator


  • For ubuntu systems (i.e sandbox or vagrant) run the executeable file
 $- ./calculator {operation} {argument1 argument2 ...}
  • For others: Run the to compile the file for your machine, then run the executeable.
 $ cat
 gcc calc.c -L. -lm -larithmetic -o calculator
 $ ./
 $ ./calculator {operation} {argument1 argument2 ...}

It may also be necessary to run

 $ cat
 gcc -c addition.c converter.c division.c factorial.c multiplication.c powers.c quadratic.c root.c simultaneous.c subtraction.c
 sleep 2
 ar -rcs libarithmetic.a *.o
 rm *.o
 ar -t libarithmetic.a
 sleep 2
 gcc calc.c -L. -larithmetic -o calculator
 $ ./

Input Rules

To input information, follow these rules.
  • Do not use a wrong data type.
 $ ./calculator root x
  • Operations that require multiple input are seprated with a space.
 $ ./calculator add 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 13 53 75 86
  • When a value is not specified as an argument, the program will exit with an error.

Functions 💻

  • addition.c: A function that adds numbers, can support 2 or more numbers to be added.
    ./calculator add 2 3 4 5 ...
  • division.c: A function that divides numbers. Numbers are divided using the first as numerator, and subsequent arguments are used to break it down. (i.e $ ./calculator divide 100 10 2 divides 100 by 10, then the result by 2 to give 5.
  • multiplication.c: A function that multiplies two or more numbers.
    ./calculator multiply 2 3 4 5 ...
  • subtraction.c: A function that subtracts a numbers.
    ./calculator subtract 131 13 12 56 1 ...
  • factorial.c: A function that finds the factorial of a number(s). ./calculator factorial 2 3 4 5 ...
  • powers.c: A function that finds the result of a number raised to the power of another. ./calculator power 2 3
  • silmultaneous.c: A function that solves a silmultaneous equation. ./calculator simultaneous a b c d e f
  • quadratic.c: A function that solves a quadratic equation.
    ./calculator quadratic a b c
  • converter.c: Three functions that together convert from one base to another. (Only works for base 1-10)
    ./calculator base num current_base destination_base

:octocat: Undocumented Features :octocat:


  • Repetition in while loop (scanf, printf, last else statements){resolved}
- Collect input(done), 
- Loop the exit and options(done, has extra features). 
- Also find a way to collect and store two return values (pending)
- Add last result (done, doesnt work for quadratic and simultaneous equations yet)
- for compiling faster
- Github actions

✔Project Owner





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