Sized Error Group is used to work through a queue of work using an WaitGroup with limits on the amount of work that will be done concurrently
func TimeSinceAndWait(t time.Time) func() error {
return func() error {
fmt.Printf("func: time since start: %d seconds\n", int(time.Since(t).Seconds()))
return nil
func ExampleNewSizedErrGroup() {
start := time.Now()
g := NewSizedErrGroup(2) // Create a sized error group
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
g.Go(TimeSinceAndWait(start)) // Initialize work to be done
err := g.Wait() // Wait for the work to be complete or for an error to return
fmt.Printf("time since start: %d seconds\n", int(time.Since(start).Seconds()))
fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)
// Output:
// func: time since start: 0 seconds
// func: time since start: 0 seconds
// func: time since start: 1 seconds
// func: time since start: 1 seconds
// func: time since start: 2 seconds
// time since start: 3 seconds
// err: <nil>