Where we come together to build a travel community by giving out ideas on our favorite places around the world!
Find us on Heroku: https://wayfare.herokuapp.com
Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/QLXAthj1/vagabond-app
Our pitch on Haiku Deck: https://www.haikudeck.com/p/94a2cc86c5/wayfare
Ruby | Rails | Bootstrap | Devise | Cancancancancancan | CSS3 | Lucid Chart | Friendly_Id | Jamie King | Danny Hurley | Bootswatch
Create user profile pages | Login at the splash page | Pagination | Links/Buttons to next or previous posts | View all cities as pins on a map on the site's homepage | Click on a homepage pin and be redirected to the corresponding city page | See a list of the city pages the user has contributed to on their public profile |