Garlmap 2.0.0
- Setting "autoplay" to automatically start playing audio on folder load and playlist open
- Setting "fallback" to use a custom fallback rule on startup
- Setting "apiKey" to optionally use the official Genius API if set (default remains to scrape)
- Failed lyrics requests are now logged in the console so they can be inspected
- Only valid fields are now used to split strings in a query, making it possible search for : and = in fields
- Casing in field value now also makes it case sensitive
- Raise and Quit options not working in MPRIS menu
- Character "q" being used as a shortcut in settings panel preventing it from being used in setting values
- Genius API issues when using IPV6 by first trying to use IPV4 as the Genius API prefers that
- Lyrics selection not being able to be cleared by clicking on it when in fullscreen
- Autolyrics option always being on in last release
- Electron 25.1.1 (was 24.1.1)
- Chromium 114.0.5735.106 (was 112.0.5615.50)
See the Changelog for details.