Garlmap 0.4.0
- Home/End to scroll to the start or end quickly in the playlist
- PageUp/PageDown keys in both the playlist and the search, optionally moving the selection if Ctrl is held
- Scanner for local files and folders to find lyrics there before fetching from Genius if not in cache
- Fullscreen layouts (one to hide system frames/menus and one using a minimal layout)
- Relative seeking using Ctrl-[ and Ctrl-] as well as longer seeking with Ctrl-{ and Ctrl-}
- Option to dump/export the lyrics in a "Lyrics" folder relative to the base folder, which is read by Garlmap
- Events panel that shows all previous events/notifications
- Playlist is now also scrolled after appending if enabled
- Selecting different songs in the playlist with keys no longer requires a re-render
- Refactor keyboard input handling, which is more stable and robust as well as more readable
- Searchbox input keys now work similar to other focus elements, which makes inputs faster
- Notifications/events below now appear in order and are readable for a fixed amount of time
- Using = in the fallback rule not working
- Map file errors in the console by applying default devtool settings
- Stop after current not working when called from system menu
- Electron 18.1.0 (was 17.0.0)
- Chromium 100.0.4896.127 (was 98.0.4758.82)
See the Changelog for details.