Releases: Jedi515/sts-jedi
Jedi Mod 0.1.4
Curse: Frostbite. When drawn, lose 3 temp strength.
Event: Sword Dojo. 5 random strike cards and a perfected strike. Not restricted by class.
Jedi Mod 0.1.3
Added two rare cards:
(NEW) Defect:
Power. Rare. 2. Meditation: At the start of your turns, gain 1(2) Focus. Whenever you lose HP, lose ALL your Focus.
Skill. Rare. 2(1). Darkness Call: Can only be used if you have Dark Orb Channeled. Apply 1 Lock-On to enemy with lowest HP, then evoke your rightmost dark orb. Exhaust.
T.Juice is now uncommon and applies 5 constricted.
Slightly restructured the files aswell. Purely coding.
Jedi mod 0.1.2
Added a bottle relic for throwing a card to the bottom of draw pile. If you can somehow pull a grand finale in it?.. Maybe a blizzard or thunder strike.
Did i add Superconductor in previous version? don't remember really.
Made an "Other snecko eye" relic, but didn't put in current version because it just feels too unimpactful. Gain 1 chaos, 1 more every 3 turns. Chaos being debuff from Puro from Replay, basically in-combat ring of chaos. Any feedback?
Jedi mod 0.0.7b but better version number
Cuz apperently you can't have 4 numbers or a letter so there's that.
Same effects as previous version, "endoplasm now will not eat your gold on buffered hp loss"
Patch to 0.0.7
Fixed Endoplasm still taking your gold if you had buffer on. "I'm not losing hp, you jumbo."
Jedi mod 0.0.7
Added a boss relic (what do you mean it's just a better version of what already exists?), a shop relic and a couple Defect relics. Please be gentle and don't break them.
Jedi mod 0.0.6
Gathering Storm: added.
Crystallized cards renamed to Burst cards.
Have i mentioned they scale thunderstrike and blizzard?
Jedi mod 0.0.5
Added something? There's a gdocs table now anyway.
Jedi mod 0.0.4
Expanded upon Lock-On.
Guess it's a defect mod now huh?
Jedi mod 0.0.3
Tweaks to cryst. lightning, added mark of death.