A multiplayer maze solving game built in Rust. Players navigate through procedurally generated mazes and compete to find the exit using various algorithms.
Note: The server is not yet implemented. Until then, you can use the server binary in the
- Procedurally generated mazes: Using the Sidewinder algorithm with customizable seed values
- Multiple solving algorithms:
- Tremeaux algorithm
- Right-hand wall following
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- A* (A-Star) pathfinding
- Multiplayer support: Run multiple agents simultaneously to solve the maze
- Terminal User Interface (TUI): Real-time visualization of maze solving progress
- Rust 1.85.0 or higher
The server hosts the game and manages connections from clients.
# In e2e/ directory
./server run --maze 100,100
Or you can run the minimal server (for testing purposes) with the following command:
cargo run -p server --release
The client connects to the server and runs the maze-solving agents.
# Basic usage with Terminal UI
cargo run -p client --release -- --tui
# Select solving algorithm
cargo run -p client --release -- --algorithm Tremeaux # Options: Tremeaux, WallFollower, Alian
# Or using prebuilt binaries
./client --tui
./client --algorithm Tremeaux
The project is divided into the following components:
- client: Implements the game client and solving algorithms
- server: Implements the minimal server for testing purposes
- e2e: End-to-end tests for the client with the complete server
- shared: Contains common code shared between client and server
- benchmarks: Performance benchmarks for various internal components
- Sidewinder: Creates mazes with a bias toward horizontal passages
- Tremeaux: A depth-first algorithm that marks each passage when it is used
- Alian: An optimized version of the Tremeaux algorithm (default)
- Right-hand Wall Following: Always keeps the right hand on the wall
- BFS (Breadth-First Search): Finds the shortest path in unweighted mazes
- A* (A-Star): Finds the shortest path using heuristics
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Based on the rules from haveneer-training/sauve_qui_peut.