** https://github.com/JaydenL33/Team4DataOptimisation/tree/master **
To use this app, please open up GitHub and then press CTRL + O and open PBILOptimisationApp_Team4.mlapp This is will open the app editor and then it can be run from there. Else, while you're inside matlab nagivate to the folder it is downloaded in and please double click on the app.
Afterwards, you'll be presented with a GUI. From there, you can leave the values blank and run the code or you can edit the CostTable inside excel or change the costTable you read from, just make sure you include the .xlsx on the end. On top of this, you can change the Number of Loops the code goes through, epochs and the learning rate to whatever suits you.
Please note: The default values for the LearningRate: 0.001 NumberOfLoops: 2000 Epoch: 100