Simulation of particles interacting with each other in real-time created using Java.
Note you must have Java SE Runtime Environment installed which you can find here:
- You can check if you have it installed by opening Command Prompt and typing "java -version" then pressing ENTER. If the console does not respond with "command not found", then it is installed.
- Download the ParticlePhysicsSimulator.jar file.
- Run the file using Java(TM) Platform SE binary.
- To run the file through Command Prompt:
- Change directories to the file location by typing "cd FILEPATH" and press ENTER where FILEPATH is the file path to the directory where the file is stored.
- Type "java -jar ParticlePhysicsSimulator.jar" and press ENTER.
- After opening the file, click the "CLICK ME" button for more details.
If you wish to download and open the source code as a Java Project:
- Using Eclipse IDE:
- Download repository as a zip file.
- Export the zip file.
- Open Eclipse.
- Under "File" select "Open Projects from File System...".
- Beside "Import Source" click the "Directory..." button and select the exported folder.
- Using Netbeans IDE:
- Install Eclipse IDE.
- Follow instructions above to download into an Eclipse Workspace.
- Open Netbeans and under "File" select "Import Project" then "Eclipse Project"
- Select the Eclipse Workspace directory in the "Workspace Location" section of the wizard.
- Particle-boundary collisions.
- Particle-particle collisions.
- Particle-cursor collisions.
- Particle volume manipulation.
- Particle size manipulation.
- Energy loss upon collision manipulation.
- Speed of simulation manipulation.
- Vertical and horizontal external forces manipulation.
- Particle color manipulation.
- Randomly changing particle color option.
- Background color manipulation.
- Option to interact with particles using cursor. The following features are made available when this option is selected:
- Cursor size manipulation.
- Cursor color manipulation.
- Ability to place stationary particle obstacles by left-clicking on the screen.
- Ability to remove stationary particle obstacles by right-clicking them.
- Option to show vectors of the particles as arrows. The following feature is made available when this option is selected:
- Vector arrow color manipulation.
- Ability to pause the simulation.
- Ability to reset the settings of the simulation.
Upon opening the file, click the "CLICK ME" button for more details on these features.