- Detailed match statistics and timeline
- Role-based performance metrics
- Damage distribution analysis
- Interactive timeline visualization
- Team composition overview
- Comprehensive summoner profiles
- Ranked statistics tracking
- Match history overview
- Performance trends analysis
- Detailed champion statistics
- Freljord/Braum-themed interface
- Responsive animations
- Interactive elements
- Dynamic particle effects
- Dark/Light theme support
Click to see component details
MatchDetails - Comprehensive match information
MatchHistory - List of recent matches
MatchTimeline - Interactive timeline view
Scoreboard - Team-based statistics
SummonerProfile - Player profile display
StatsDisplays - Various statistical views
RunesDisplay - Rune configuration display
DamageStats - Damage analysis charts
Navbar - Navigation component
ThemeToggle - Theme switching
LoadingStates - Custom loading animations
ErrorDisplays - Error handling components
- Node.js 18.17 or higher
- npm or yarn
- Riot Games API Key
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/braum.gg.git
cd braum.gg
- Install dependencies
npm install
# or
yarn install
- Configure environment variables
# Create .env.local file with your Riot API key
- Run the development server
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
├── src/
│ ├── app/ # Next.js pages and API routes
│ ├── components/ # React components
│ ├── lib/ # Utility functions
│ ├── types/ # TypeScript definitions
│ └── styles/ # CSS and styling
├── public/ # Static assets
└── config/ # Configuration files
- Next.js - React framework
- TailwindCSS - Styling
- Framer Motion - Animations
- Riot Games API - Game data
- Recharts - Data visualization
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Riot Games for the API
- shadcn/ui for UI components
- League of Legends community
If you need help with the application, feel free to:
- Open an issue on GitHub
- Contact the developer
- Check the documentation
Made with ❤️ by Jawwad Khan