Hey There! I'm Java 👋
I'm a passionate developer with expertise in various programming languages and technologies. I enjoy creating innovative solutions and sharing my knowledge with the community. Welcome to my GitHub profile!
Hello, I am JawaTengahXploit1337. I have a general understanding of cryptography, machine learning, compiler theory, and computer graphics.
👀 I am currently very interested in GPU programming, browser-side model optimization, and deployment.
🌱 I am currently engaged in front-end plugin development work.
💞️ Welcome to submit any PRs to my error-filled projects.
📫 You can contact me through X, or follow me on GitHub to get the latest updates on my work.
🌑 I code at midnight, please do not disturb me during this time.
Feel free to reach out if you want to collaborate on projects, discuss technology, or just chat!