This code base still works but it no longer has a home.
You can see exactly how it worked in this video:
Clone the repo using the git clone
Create a file called env.js in the root folder. paste this into it:
const ENDPOINT = "http://localhost:4001";
const TESTING = true;
These values are overwritten for our production release so thats why they are not part of the git repo.
Make sure that you have a local version of the server running (LeetParty-backend).
If its not running on port 4001 (it will be unless you changed it), change the above ENDPOINT to relect the port it is running on.
- Go to chrome://extensions/
- Toggle on Developer Mode on the top right
- Click Load Unpacked button on the top left
- Go to the cloned repository and select it
- Find a Leetcode problem or refresh the page if you're already on one
- You may want to pin LeetParty to the extension bar for easy access
Make sure you are on a leetcode problem and refresh the page Check the LeetParty-Backend output, it should say a user connected. You can validate there are no errors in the console output too
- Make any changes you want in the code base
- Navigate back to chrome://extensions/
- Click Update on the top right to have your new work take effect