UNESCO-Go-Seek is a web application that suggests random UNESCO cities to visit. The project uses Django for the backend and Vue.js with Bootstrap for the frontend.
- Repo: https://github.com/Jason-Hargrove/unesco_go_seek.git
- App: https://unesco-go-seek-fd9ceca95862.herokuapp.com/
- Python 3.x
- Django
- Vue.js
- Bootstrap
- Node.js and npm
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Python 3.x
- Node.js and npm
- Vue CLI
Install Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Node.js dependencies:
cd cities/frontend npm install cd ../..
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python load_data.py
Navigate to the
directorycd cities/frontend
Build the Vue.js project
export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider npm run build
Copy the Build Files to the "static" Folder From the frontend Directory:
cp -r dist/* ~/Documents/code/projects/unesco_go_seek/static/
Start the Django Development Server from the root directory:
python manage.py runserver
Open your web browser and go to
- Ensure the dist folder is correctly built and contains the required files.
- Confirm the static folder in the root directory has the files copied from the dist folder.
- Verify the collectstatic command runs without warnings or errors.
- Check Heroku logs for any issues related to static files.
Collect Static Files
heroku run python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
Push to Heroku
git add . git commit -m "My message" git push heroku main
Run the Management Command on Heroku
heroku run python manage.py load_cities --app unesco-go-seek
Run Migrations on Heroku
heroku run python manage.py migrate --app unesco-go-seek
After running the migrations, you can check it:
heroku run python manage.py showmigrations
Verify Tables
heroku login heroku pg:psql --app unesco-go-seek
List All Tables
python load_data.py
Commit Changes
Push Changes to Heroku
Run Migrations on Heroku
Load Data on Heroku
Collect Static Files
Restart the Heroku App (optional)
heroku restart --app unesco-go-seek
Verify Tables
Sometimes, Django’s static files cache can cause issues. Clear the cache by running this in the root:
python manage.py collectstatic --noinput
Clearing your browser cache and rebuild the Vue.js project to ensure no cached versions of the old code are being used:
- In Chrome: Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear browsing data
If you suspect caching issues, you can force a hard refresh in your browser:
- In Chrome: Cmd + Shift + R (Mac) or Press Ctrl + F5 on (Win)
view the latest logs from Heroku
heroku logs --tail --app unesco-go-seek