Tiny lib of useful API codes to start moding Sm64CoopDX.
This API controls which songs you want to play in the game stages.
-- Force game stop the all default songs
-- Stop custom songs in the star selector
-- Add custom song into power up
_G.tsjSongs.addSong(-2, audio_stream_load('prototype.ogg'),
{ loopEnd = 441144, loopStart = 0.5, volume = 1.25, name = "Prototype" })
-- Add custom sound into the select star sound effect
_G.tsjSongs.addSelectStarSound('SAMPLE_STAR_SELECT_SIMS', audio_sample_load('star_select_sims.ogg'))
-- Add custom sound into the mario lose sound effect (Beta)
_G.tsjSongs.addLoseSound('SAMPLE_LOSE', audio_sample_load('lose.ogg'))
-- Editing the inside castle theme
-- Add custom song (id)
_G.tsjSongs.addSong(6, audio_stream_load('strange_day.ogg'),
{ loopEnd = 5096766, loopStart = 0.5, volume = 1.25, name = "stange_day" })
-- Add custom song (id, areaIndex, actNum, courseNum)
_G.tsjSongs.addSubSong(6, 3, 0, 0, audio_stream_load('strangetown_beta.ogg'),
{ loopEnd = 3175430, loopStart = 0.5, volume = 1, name = "Strangetown Prototype" })
Songs for each type of power up.
The song calms down when the mario sleeps.
Test the plant sleep theme moment.
Test in boss battle.
Detect infinity stairs song.