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Jara edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 3 revisions

Console Commands, these commands you can write in the game servers console. Or trough chat if you enabled remote console commands.

Command Info
addbot [Number of Bots] add one or more bot to the server
ban [IP] ban a player with IP
banlist show current ban list
board [Text] set scoreboard text
boardreset reset scoreboard text
change change specified settings
clear clear console output
color [Player ID] [Color R] [Color G] [Color B] set cell(s) color by client ID
exit stop the server
food [Position X] [ Position Y] [Mass] spawn food at specified Location
gamemode [number] change server gamemode
kick [Player ID] kick player or bot by client ID
kill [Player ID] kill cell(s) by client ID
killall kill everyone
mass [Player ID] [Mass] set cell(s) mass by client ID
merge [Player ID] force a player to merge
name [Player ID] [New Name] change cell(s) name by client ID
playerlist get list of players and bots
pause pause game , freeze all cells
reload reload config
say [Text] chat from console
split [Player ID] force a player to split
status get server status
tp [Player ID] [Position X] [ Position Y] teleport player to specified location
unban [IP] un ban a player with IP
virus [Position X] [ Position Y] [Mass] spawn virus at a specified Location
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