node -v
-> v14.18.2
cd runnable/nodejs-mobile-hello-world-2022
npm run all
npx cordova run android
or npx cordova run ios
UPD broadcast only works in the same local network ( WIFI )
cd runnalbe/android-ios-udp-client-broadcast
npm run all
open another terminal then run node runnable/nodejs-mobile-hello-world-2022/www/nodejs-project/udp-broadcast-server.js
npx cordova run android
or npx cordova run ios
this repo is created by $ npx cordova@10.0.0 create nodejs-mobile-hello-world-2022
Original examples moved to legacy
because it cannot run up and it's not actively maintained anymore 27 Oct 2021
Put runnable example in runnable
This is a collection of samples showcasing the use of Node.js on Mobile.
It contains the following samples:
- Android: Native Gradle Sample
- Android: Native Gradle Sample using a Node Project folder
- iOS: Native Xcode Sample
- iOS: Native Xcode Sample using a Node Project folder
- React-Native: Suspend Resume Sample
- React-Native: Use Native Modules
- React-Native: Use Multiple Channel Events
- Cordova: Cordova App With AngularJS
- Cordova: Use Native Modules