This Project will help you To gather by giving you useful information as an info panel on your screen as by highlighting specific nodes to give you real-time information about XP gain, node regeneration time and more. Thanks to Kyykek (Kyyken on Github) for helping me with this project.
- Shows The Material Type you are gathering.
- Shows the time to indicate how long you have been gathering.
- Shows the number of resource nodes you have mined in your session.
- Shows you how many nodes you mine per minute.
- Shows the percentage of XP missing for your next level.
- Shows how much gathering XP you make per hour.
- Shows the progress of your current node while mining.
- Nodes will change color to indicate regeneration time.
- Visibility of nodes increased dramatically.
- Download WynnGather Here or in Releases
- Install like a normal forge mod for Minecraft 1.12.2
- use the "/gather start" command to enable and "/gather stop" to disable. /gather pos to change the position of the info panel.
- Look Here to customise your info lines.
- Woodcutting is still a complete mess. Some nodes are not at the right place, some don't show up at all, some are double.
- Wynncraft sometimes doesn't load a crucial element, which can lead to some nodes not being rendered
- Changing profession will not reset XP/h and other stats
- Double gathering speed still breaks everything progress related
- Info for T3 Materials
- Info for Tool durability
- Fix woodcutting