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3308 Campaign 01 -- Solitaire Encryption


In Neal Stephenson's novel Cryptonomicon, two of the main characters are able to covertly communicate with one another with a deck of playing cards (including the jokers) and knowledge of the Solitaire encryption algorithm, which was created (in real life) by Bruce Schneier. The novel includes the description of the Solitaire algorithm in an appendix, but you can also find a revised version on the web (see below). For this assignment, we'll simplify the algorithm in several ways. For example, we'll be assuming that we have just two suits (say, hearts and spades) from a deck of cards, plus the two jokers, just to keep things simple. Further, let's assume that the values of the 26 suit cards are 1 to 26 (Ace to King of hearts, followed by Ace to King of spades), that the "A" joker is 27, and that the "B" joker is 28. Thus, 15 represents the 2 of spades. Now that you've got the idea, note that because we are doing this in a computer, we can just use the numbers 1-28 and forget about the suits and ranks.

The hard part of Solitaire is the generation of the keystream values. (They will be used to encrypt or decrypt our messages). Here are the steps used in our variant of the algorithm, assuming that we start with a list of the values from 1-28 as described above:

  1. Find the A joker (27). Exchange it with the card beneath (after) it in the deck, to move the card down the deck by one position. (What if the joker is the last card in the deck? Imagine that the deck of cards is continuous; the card following the bottom card is the top card of the deck, and you'd just exchange them.)
  2. Find the B joker (28). Move it two cards down by performing two exchanges.
  3. Swap the cards above the first joker (the one closest to the top of the deck) with the cards below the second joker. This is called a triple cut.
  4. Take the bottom card from the deck. Count down from the top card by a quantity of cards equal to the value of that bottom card. (If the bottom card is a joker, let its value be 27, regardless of which joker it is.) Take that group of cards and move them to the bottom of the deck. Return the bottom card to the bottom of the deck.
  5. (Last step!) Look at the top card's value (which is again 1-27, as it was in the previous step). Put the card back on top of the deck. Count down the deck by that many cards. Record the value of the NEXT card in the deck, but don't remove it from the deck. If that next card happens to be a joker, don't record anything. Leave the deck the way it is, and start again from the first step, repeating until that next card is not a joker.

The value that you recorded in the last step is one value of the keystream, and will be in the range 1 - 26, inclusive (to match with the number of letters in the alphabet). To generate another value, we take the deck as it is after the last step and repeat the algorithm. We need to generate as many keystream values as there are letters in the message being encrypted or decrypted.

As usual, an example will really help make sense of the algorithm. Let's say that this is the original ordering of our half-deck of cards.

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26

Step 1: Swap 27 with the value following it. So, we swap 27 and 2:

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 2 27 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26

Step 2: Move 28 two places down the list. It ends up between 6 and 9:

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 3 6 28 9 12 15 18 21 24 2 27 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26

Step 3: Do the triple cut. Everything above the first joker (28 in this case) goes to the bottom of the deck, and everything below the second (27) goes to the top:

5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 28 9 12 15 18 21 24 2 27 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 3 6
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Step 4: The bottom card is 6. The first 6 cards of the deck are 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, and 20. They go just ahead of 6 at the bottom end of the deck:

23 26 28 9 12 15 18 21 24 2 27 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 3 5 8 11 14 17 20 6

Step 5: The top card is 23. Thus, our generated keystream value is the 24th card, which is 11.

Self Test: What is the next keystream value? The answer is provided at the end of this document.

OK, so what do you do with all of those keystream values? The answer depends on whether you are encoding a message or decoding one.

To encode a message with Solitaire, remove all non-letters and convert any lower-case letters to upper-case. (If you wanted to be in line with traditional cryptographic practice, you'd also divide the letters into groups of five.) Convert the letters to numbers (A=1, B=2, etc.). Use Solitaire to generate the same number of values as are in the message. Add the corresponding pairs of numbers, modulo 26. Convert the numbers back to letters, and you're done.

Decryption is just the reverse of encryption. Start by converting the message to be decoded to numbers. Using the same card ordering as was used to encrypt the message originally, generate enough keystream values. (Because the same starting deck of cards was used, the same keystream will be generated.) Subtract the keystream values from teh message numbers, again modulo 26. Finally, convert the numbers to letters and read the message.

Let's give it a try. The message to be sent is this:

Professor Griffith is crazy!

Removing the non-letters and capitalizing gives us:


The message has 24 letters, which is not a multiple of 5. So, we'll pad out the message with X's. Next, we convert the letters to numbers:

 P  R  O  F  E  S  S  O  R  G  R  I  F  F  I  T  H  I  S  C  R  A  Z  Y  X
16 18 15  6  5 19 19 15 18  7 18  9  6  6  9 20  8  9 19  3 18  1 26 25 24

Rather than actually generating a sequence of 25 keystream values for this example, let's just pretend that we did:

21 6 2 19 15 18 12 23 23 5 1 7 14 6 13 1 26 16 12 20 19 7 2 10 25

Just add the two groups together pair wise. To get the modulo 26: if the sum of a pair is greater than 26, just subtract 26 from it. For example, 14 + 12 = 26, but 14 + 23 = 37 - 26 = 11. (Note that this isn't quite the result that the operator % would give you in Java.)

   16 18 15  6  5 19 19 15 18  7 18  9  6  6  9 20  8  9 19  3 18  1 26 25 24
 + 21  6  2 19 15 18 12 23 23  5  1  7 14  6 13  1 26 16 12 20 19  7  2 10 25
   11 24 17 25 20 11  5 12 15 12 19 16 20 12 22 21  8 25  5 23 11  8  2  9 23

And convert back to letters:


Here's how the recipient would decrypt this message. Convert the encrypted message's letters to numbers, generate the same keystream (by starting with the same deck ordering as was used for the encryption), and subtract the keystream values from the message numbers. To deal with the modulo 26 this time, just add 26 to the top number if it is equal to or smaller than the bottom number.

   37 24 17 25 20 37 31 38 41 12 19 16 20 12 22 21 34 25 31 23 37  8 28 35 49
 - 21  6  2 19 15 18 12 23 23  5  1  7 14  6 13  1 26 16 12 20 19  7  2 10 25
   16 18 15  6  5 19 19 15 18  7 18  9  6  6  9 20  8  9 19  3 18  1 26 25 24

Finally, convert the numbers to letters, and viola: Another accurate medical diagnosis!

16 18 15  6  5 19 19 15 18  7 18  9  6  6  9 20  8  9 19  3 18  1 26 25 24
 P  R  O  F  E  S  S  O  R  G  R  I  F  F  I  T  H  I  S  C  R  A  Z  Y  X


Write a complete, well-documented, and suitably object-oriented program that reads in a "deck" of 28 numbers from a file, asks the user for one or more messages to decrypt, and decrypts them using the modified Solitaire algorithm described above. Note that if your program is decrypting multiple messages, all but the first should be decrypted using the deck as it exists after the decryption of the previous message. (The first uses the deck provided, of course).

You will need to implement and use a Circularly Linked List as the basis for the KeyGeneration algorithm. This class edu.isu.cs.cs3308.structures.impl.CircularlyLinkedList should reside in the edu.isu.cs.cs3308.structures.impl package and should derive either from the provided List interface or should extend the SinglyLinkedList class defined as part of Mission01. Note that as part of this assignment the List interface include a new method indexOf. You will need to implement this. Two additional classes will need to be implemented SolitaireEncrypt and SolitaireDecrypt in the package edu.isu.cs.cs3308 both must define the method String execute(String) which either encrypts or decrypts the provided string and returns the result. Futhermore, both of these classes will also need to define a constructor which takes a String representing the path for a file containing a deck.

You will also need to write a basic program that showcases the results of your implmentation. I have provided a number of decks, data/deckXX.txt, and some basic data data/messages.txt which has been encrypted, data/encrypted.txt and later decrypted data/decrypted.txt. Please review these results for yourself. You are not to modify these files, but instead to use them to solve the problems.


Your output will be just the decrypted message --- lists of characters without spaces or punctuation.

Want to Learn More?

Other Requirements and Hints

  • Start early! There are lots of little things that need to be done to complete this program. You may not be able to complete all of them if you wait to start until after I release the official data.
  • Make sure that you understand the modified Solitaire algorithm before you start writing the program; you can't write a program to solve a problem you don't understand.
  • Don't try to write the whole program at once; start small. For example, you're going to have to read the initial deck from the data file and store it into an array. Write that method and test it. Then move on.
  • You can check your program's work by hand. Take the data file, manually generate the first few keystream letters, and check that your pgoram generated the same ones.
  • Create some encrypted messages for your program to decrypt. The easiest way to do this? Write an encoding method for your program! It's not too hard. (But, I'll probably give the class a sample encrypted message or two).
  • Exchange encrypted messages with your classmates. Why? If you only test with your own encryption and decryption routines, any logical error with the algorithm implementation is likely to appear in both routines. Without independent verification, you may think that your logically-flawed code is correct.


When you have completed the assignment (all tests pass) or it is reaching midnight of the due date, make sure you have completed the following:

  1. Committed all changes to your repo
  2. Pushed your changes to GitHub
  3. Tagged your repo as "COMPLETE"
  4. Pushed the "COMPLETE" tag to GitHub
  5. Submitted your repository URL to Moodle in the Campaign 01 submission section.

Grading -- 50 Points

  • edu.isu.cs.cs3308.structures.impl.CircularlyLinkedList Implementation -- 10 Points
  • Encryption -- 15 Points
  • Decryption -- 15 points
  • Code Style and Documentation -- 10 Points

Answers to the Self Test:


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