This is a React Profile community App - allows user for all CRUD operations.
It allows User's to create their profile as profile cards which are displayed in the dashboard.
Read - All the profile details are displayed as profile cards in dashboard.
- the profile cards are built as flip cards.
- the front side of the flip card shows profile details like company name, role, email and so on.
- the back side of the flip card shows contact details like address, location, phone number and website details.
- Also the EDIT and DELETE ICONS are available on the back side of the flip card, allows the user for edit and delete operations.
Edit on the back side of the flip card, navigates the user to edit page.
- where all the details of the profile clicked will be displayed on the appropriate input fields for the user to edit easily.
- once clicked on the submit button, user will be navigated to dashboard page to view the updated details.
DELETE on the back side of the flip card, deletes the profile immediately and pops up deleted toast notification.
Create - 'Add User' tab on the sidebar, allows user to add profiles to the profile community.
- once the user clicks on the submit button, page navigates to dashboard to view the added details. *'status report tab' on the sidebar - opens a page displaying basic details of the profile( ID, USERNAME, EMAIL WITH STATUS as 'ACTIVE' or 'Inactive')
- Also allows the user to update the status by just clicking on the toggle button.
All the user details are stored in mockAPI and CRUD operations are performed using AXIOS fetch.
Achieved responsive design using css and media queries.