Utility for editing digitised colour negatives.
Most dependencies can be installed in a pipenv:
pipenv install
The only exceptions are OpenImageIO and OpenColorIO 2.0.x which need to be installed globally:
# macOS
brew install openimageio opencolorio
# RHEL-like Linux
yum install OpenImageIO OpenColorIO
You also need to source OCIO's config file, e.g. for macOS
source $(brew --prefix)/share/ocio/setup_ocio.sh
Depending on your system config, you might also have to add OIIO and OCIO to your PYTHONPATH
Finally, you need to get the OCIO configs. These are included as a submodule, so you can pull them with
git submodule update --init --recursive
Then you can point OCIO at the relevant config by setting the OCIO
environment variable to the path of the spi-vfx config.