Verification Discord Bot for JAMHacks Hackathon hosted at the University of Waterloo
To use JamJam on your own system follow these instructions
git pull # Clone the JamJam repo on your system
# cd into the project directory
yarn # install all the dependencies using yarn
npm i # install all the dependencies using npm
Rename .example.env file to .env and insert your credentials
yarn / npm dev # Run the Discord Bot
If you would like to host the bot using the replit method that was used for JAMHacks 7 please refer to Hosting a Discord bot on
Naming Conventions (In some places the naming conventions were not followed due to how was constructed)
JamJam functions as a basic user verification discord bot for JAMHacks. As of now, we plan to maintain this bot by keeping it up to date with Discord's API versions using discord.js npm package. In the future we may add more "fun" features or features to further assist the JAMHacks hackathon instead of just verifying users.
JAMHacks 7 - Ayush Garg