This project has been moved to the TypeScript ESLint organization ->
ESLint plugin wraps a TSLint configuration and lints the whole source using TSLint.
npm i -D eslint-plugin-tslint
Configure in your eslint config file:
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"tslint/config": ["warn", {
lintFile: '/* path to tslint.json of your project */',
rules: { /* tslint rules (will be used if `lintFile` is not specified) */ },
rulesDirectory: [ /* array of paths to directories with rules, e.g. 'node_modules/tslint/lib/rules' (will be used if `lintFile` is not specified) */ ],
configFile: '/* path to tsconfig.json of your project */',
compilerOptions: { /* ability to override TypeScript compilers options defined in tsconfig.json */ }
Plugin contains only single rule tslint/config