Dracula for Dark Reader
A dark theme for Dark Reader.
After installing a Dark Reader to web browser of choice, we will be proceeding to setting up DR for Dracula theme.
Click on "Dev Tools"
Enable "Preview new design" to unlock full potential of DR
Click "See all options" so we can make actual changes, after that click on "Colors"
Set Dracula Theme hex values to following:
Background --> #282a36
Text --> #f8f8f2
Scrollbar --> custom --> #6272a4
Selection --> custom: --> #44475a
Dark Reader also allows you to set custom fontsm that will be forced on websites. To achieve this come back to "See all options", and then "Fonts & more".
Change "Change font" setting to Yes, then you will be able to change your fonts under "Font name".
Drop down has a few default choices but you can manually type your font of choice, I've choose Inter.
This theme is maintained by the following person(s) and a bunch of awesome contributors.
Dpbm | jakub1812 |