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Add “Dark Forces Community Patch v3” extension for “The Force Engine”
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JakeSmarter committed Mar 17, 2024
1 parent 746ea89 commit 03eb107
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Showing 2 changed files with 321 additions and 0 deletions.
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions io.github.theforceengine.tfe.Mod.DarkForcesCommunityPatch.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"id": "io.github.theforceengine.tfe.Mod.DarkForcesCommunityPatch",
"runtime": "io.github.theforceengine.tfe",
"sdk": "org.freedesktop.Sdk//23.08",
"build-options": {
"strip": false,
"no-debuginfo": true
"separate-locales": false,
"appstream-compose": false,
"build-extension": true,

"modules": [{
"name": "DarkForcesCommunityPatch",
"sources": [{
"type": "file",
"url": "",
"sha1": "c3ab282d6ff4efc2edb403010ee2851cf93499fe",
"sha256": "ae7eafccb503f990e78a2120756b52cd608950e49fed9342aa543913d9c845c7"
}, {
"type": "file",
"path": "io.github.theforceengine.tfe.Mod.DarkForcesCommunityPatch.metainfo.xml"
"buildsystem": "simple",
"build-commands": [
set -e\
install -Dvm 0644 \"$FLATPAK_DEST/Dark Forces Community Patch\"\
install -Dvm 0644 -t \"$FLATPAK_DEST/share/metainfo\" \"$FLATPAK_ID.metainfo.xml\""
"post-install": [
"appstream-compose --prefix \"$FLATPAK_DEST\"\\\
--basename \"$FLATPAK_ID\"\\\
--origin flatpak \"$FLATPAK_ID\""
284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions io.github.theforceengine.tfe.Mod.DarkForcesCommunityPatch.metainfo.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="addon">
<name>“STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces” Community Patch</name>
<name xml:lang="de">Flicken der „STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces“&#x2011;Gemeinschaft</name>
<name xml:lang="pl">Społecznościowa łatka „STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces”</name>
<developer id="net.df-21">
<name>Karjala, Jereth Kok, Secbase Unlimited, Bitcores, Matt Hallaron, Adam Richards, and Patrick Hanslow</name>
<url type="homepage"></url>
<summary>Communtiy&#x2011;made “STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces” patch for “The&#x00A0;Force&#x00A0;Engine”</summary>
<summary xml:lang="de">Eine von der „STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces“&#x2011;Gemeinschaft erstellte Mod für „The&#x00A0;Force&#x00A0;Engine“</summary>
<summary xml:lang="pl">Łatka stworzona przez społeczność „STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces” dla „The&#x00A0;Force&#x00A0;Engine”</summary>
<url type="homepage"></url>
<screenshot type="default">
<caption>Retextured “Moldy Crow” (based on the Alpha screenshots)</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Retexturierte „Moldy Crow“ (basierend auf Alfa&#x2011;Bildschirmfotos)</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Na nowo oteksturowano „Moldy Crow” (na podstawie zrzutów ekranu z wersji alfa)</caption>
<caption>Updated Mission Objectives to make Kyle’s goals clearer</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Missionsziele wurden aktualisiert, um Kyles Ziele verständlicher zu machen</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Zaktualizowano cele misji, aby cele Kyla były zrozumialsze</caption>
<caption>Added new passages, switches, and powerups to multiple missions</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Neue Durchgänge, Schalter und Stärkungen wurden zu mehreren Missionen hinzugefügt</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Dodano nowe przejścia, przełączniki i wzmocnienia do wielu misji</caption>
<caption>Updated Sprites</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Aktualisierte Sprites</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Zaktualizowane sprajty</caption>
<caption>Retextured 3D objects</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Retexturierte 3D&#x2011;Objekte</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Oteksturowano obiekty 3D na nowo</caption>
<caption>Vault puzzle map now updates the doors as you open them</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Die Karte des Sicherheitskammerrätsels aktualisiert nun Türen sowie sie geöffnet werden</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Mapa zagadki zabezpieczonej komory aktualizuje teraz pozycję drzwi gdy je otworzysz</caption>
<caption>Detention Center elevators now have a dynamic floor indicator</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Gefängnisaufzüge haben nun eine dynamische Stockwerkanzeige</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Windy aresztu mają teraz dynamiczny wskaźnik pięter</caption>
<caption>New entryways added to multiple rooms</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Neue Eingänge wurden zu vielen Räumen hinzugefügt</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Dodano nowe wejścia do wielu pomieszczeń</caption>
<caption>Restored cut content such as the Nar Shaddaa elevator</caption>
<caption xml:lang="de">Ausgelassene Inhalte, wie der Nar&#x00A0;Shaddaa&#x2011;Aufzug, wurden wiederhergestellt</caption>
<caption xml:lang="pl">Przywrócono wycięte treści, takie jak winda w Nar Shaddaa</caption>
<p>The goal of this patch is to make “STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces” accessible to new players in 2022.</p>
<p xml:lang="de">Das Ziel dieses Flickens ist es „STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces“ neuen Spielerinnen und Spielern in 2022 zu erschließen.</p>
<p xml:lang="pl">Celem łatki jest przyswoić nowym graczkom i graczom w 2022 roku „STAR&#x00A0;WARS™:&#x00A0;Dark&#x00A0;Forces”.</p>
<li>Many aspects that were confusing or obtuse were rewritten</li>
<li xml:lang="de">Viele der verwirrenden oder schwer verständlichen Aspekte wurden neugeschrieben</li>
<li xml:lang="pl">Wiele zagmatwanych lub niejasnych aspektów napisano na nowo</li>
<li>New objectives were added to direct players to their goals</li>
<li xml:lang="de">Neue Missionsziele wurden hinzugefügt, um Spielerinnen und Spieler auf ihre Ziele zu leiten</li>
<li xml:lang="pl">Dodano nowe cele misji, aby naprowadzić graczy na cele</li>
<li>Switches now receive audio, visual and textual feedback</li>
<li xml:lang="de">Schalter geben nun hörbare, sichtbare und texturierte Rückmeldung</li>
<li xml:lang="pl">Przełączniki oddają dźwięki, widoczne i teksturowe zmiany</li>
<li>Hidden passages are better highlighted with texturing, lighting and powerup changes</li>
<li xml:lang="de">Versteckte Durchgänge sind durch Änderungen von Texturen, Beleuchtung und Stärkungen besser hervorgehoben</li>
<li xml:lang="pl">Uwypuklono ukryte przejścia zmianami tekstur, oświetlenia i wzmocnień</li>
<li>UI feedback is improved (Ex: Code Keys now explicitly direct you to the PDA inventory)</li>
<li xml:lang="de">Verbesserte Benutzeroberflächenrückmeldung, z. B.: Code&#x2011;Schlüssel weisen nun ausdrücklich auf das PDA&#x2011;Inventar hin</li>
<li xml:lang="pl">Ulepszono komunikaty interfejsu użytkownika, np klucze kodowe wyraźnie wskazują na inwentarz osobistego asystenta cyfrowego</li>
<li>Puzzle guidance is improved with dynamic signs that display your progress</li>
<li xml:lang="de">Verbesserte Rätselführung durch dynamische Fortschrittanzeigen</li>
<li xml:lang="pl">Ulepszono prowadzenie przez zagadki postęp pokazującymi dynamicznymi wskaźnikami</li>
<release version="3.0" date="2022-05-03T21:57:20-0500">
<p>Dark Forces Patch v3 (May 4th, 2023)</p>
<p>Secret Base</p>
<li>Changed the Death Star plans to the animated version</li>
<li>Add objective completion message and audio when power generator activated</li>
<li>Several map enhancements for visibility of distant buildings</li>
<li>Texture changes in the central bridge</li>
<li>Prevent player from entering the underwater tunnel near the hydro power switch</li>
<li>Added sound to the Talay waterfall</li>
<li>Added “Unpowered” messages to Talay doors</li>
<li>Moved powerups in the ruined town so you no loner need to jump on the ledge</li>
<li>Fixed the bridge rotation doors when pressing multiple times</li>
<li>Fixed texture adjoin locking in the water bridge lift</li>
<li>Central puzzle: remove default elevator noises, replace with water noises</li>
<li>Central puzzle: Slower water level rise</li>
<li>Central puzzle: Add final gate which opens when puzzle is complete</li>
<li>Central puzzle: Sewage flows when puzzle is complete</li>
<li>Fixed a non&#x2011;scrolling sewage texture (sludge28)</li>
<li>Add health near Moff Rebus stairs</li>
<li>Immediately start the sewer waterfall</li>
<li>Added switch objectives to the mission briefing</li>
<li>Changed window heights for better visibility over puzzle room</li>
<li>Brightened the sunken door in passage 3 and added texture lights</li>
<li>Added sound effect for the big 3DO fan</li>
<li>Made sector 358 (E2S1) darker</li>
<li>Changes to BDOOR.SW, change switch texture, larger windows</li>
<li>Add switch to base secret entrance elevator</li>
<li>Reset base secret entrance elevator position when door is opened</li>
<li>Notify user that code keys in the PDA inventory when near the code console</li>
<li>Widened the windows overlooking base entrance</li>
<li>Changed the texture of the switch overlooking base entrance</li>
<li>Added flashing console and added powerups on the way to the base entrance</li>
<li>Reworked hard&#x2011;to&#x2011;see cliff passage leading to the start</li>
<li>Made the Easter egg room better accessible and added an exit path</li>
<li>Muted wind sounds while inside the base</li>
<li>Made the elevator reset to the ground floor to the base entrance</li>
<li>Raised the platform near the trooper path to make it better visible</li>
<li>Prevent Boss death through the wall</li>
<li>Added alarm sound in the exit tunnel</li>
<li>Added locked messages to various doors</li>
<li>Added passage to backtrack after jumping in the main base</li>
<li>Prevent player from planting multiple charges</li>
<li>Escape tunnel sequence switch can no longer be triggered from inside the tunnel</li>
<p>Detention Center</p>
<li>Fixed issue #29 (door getting stuck problem when NPC is blocking it)</li>
<li>Added looping force field hum (sound effect from JK)</li>
<li>Elevator position indicator</li>
<li>Add new path to the yard overlook and placed powerups on top</li>
<li>Added weapon arsenal in the third floor of the low&#x2011;sec elevator</li>
<li>Muted elevators and force fields when not in the area</li>
<li>Overhauled lighting in the force field elevators</li>
<li>Added Easter egg to the X&#x2011;X&#x2011;X code key</li>
<li>Added base-side switch for the main entrance platform</li>
<li>Fixed the long&#x2011;crack secret texture</li>
<li>Allowed the yard bay door to open fully</li>
<li>Add a switch and a new elevator to control yard entrance</li>
<li>Added multiple new elevator switches</li>
<li>Added red highlights to the red&#x2011;key door</li>
<li>Updated Crix Madine sprite</li>
<p>Ramsees Hed</p>
<li>Added a sound effect for the engines</li>
<li>Fixed Kyle/Jan conversation issue</li>
<li>Added Yellow&#x2011;Key elevator switch</li>
<li>Added new elevator to allow for backtracking</li>
<li>Fixed the secret door near the Red key from causing damage</li>
<li>Added conveyor belt sound effect (from JK)</li>
<li>Revise teleporter chute to reduce damage taken from fall, and make it look more realistic</li>
<li>Objective complete message and audio when enter facility</li>
<li>Fix scrolling acid texture</li>
<li>Added doors to the conveyor belt observation posts</li>
<li>Widened the window to the extra life room along the conveyor belt</li>
<p>Nar Shaddaa</p>
<li>Fixed the elevator which lets you backtrack near the start</li>
<li>Turned off light pulsing on inactive force fields</li>
<li>Expanded and added powerups and sign textures to the area near the blue key area</li>
<li>Created a new passage to circle back to the start after finding the Nava Card switch</li>
<li>Fixed the remote getting stuck at mission start</li>
<li>Fixed the invisible revive in secret hot&#x2011;tub</li>
<li>Added shootable switch for the hot&#x2011;tub room secret</li>
<li>Added alarms for kell&#x2011;dragon room to signify motion alerts</li>
<li>Fix the adjoin bug with the 3 elevators</li>
<li>Objective complete message and audio for objective 1</li>
<li>Move several sectors to correct layers</li>
<li>Revision of the area outside the ISO building so it looks better from the roof; the walls have some thickness</li>
<li>Made the Vault puzzle map dynamic showing which doors are open or closed</li>
<li>Changed the Vault puzzle map wall visibility to reflect which are open or closed</li>
<li>Prevent Boss death through the wall</li>
<li>Changed roof elevator door jammer so it does not make the texture move</li>
<li>Lots of reworking of exterior architecture, to make it look more convincing</li>
<li>Add extra windows to exterior</li>
<li>Add 10 seconds of scrolling stars when you launch the ship, so it looks like the ship is turning around</li>
<li>Add Objective complete and audio messages</li>
<li>Fixed “open” windows: you can no longer jump out into space</li>
<li>Added docking arm objective to the mission briefing</li>
<li>Added audio and text messages during docking arm rotation</li>
<li>Locked smuggler ship exit doors after launch</li>
<li>Retextured confusing elevators and made the command room elevator start from the top</li>
<li>Reworked objective updates in the smuggler ship when killing the imperial officer</li>
<li>Add TIE&#x2011;Fighter sound effect</li>
<li>Add objective complete messages and audio</li>
<li>Changed the docking bay elevator heights for better visibility</li>
<p>Arc Hammer</p>
<li>Added a switch to bring the conveyor belt elevator back up so you do not have to take a massive fall</li>
<li>Silenced moving stairs and updated textures</li>
<li>Added audio and visual notifications when the Arc puzzle is complete</li>
<li>Added multiple switches to Arc elevators</li>
<li>Changed the conveyor escape pit texture to differentiate from the false exits</li>
<li>Massive texture overhaul all along the conveyor belt</li>
<li>Updated powerups in the Sequence 2 room secret to make it more valuable</li>
<li>Removed unreachable powerups in the fuel storage</li>
<li>Added texture mapped and enhanced 3DOs from authors of Dark Tide, and other modders (Crow, TIE&#x2011;Fighter, Welder, Shuttle, etc.)</li>
<li>Re&#2011;did the “Ramses Hed” engine 3DO</li>
<li>Texture mapped laser bolts</li>
<li>Texture mapped mousebot</li>
<li>Added universal “objective complete” message and sound effect for previously silent objectives</li>
<li>Massive texture stitching update for all missions</li>
<li>Notify user that code keys are located in the PDA inventory</li>
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<size type="download">2415482</size>
<size type="installed">2415482</size>
<filename>Dark Forces Community Patch</filename>

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