A simple and lightweight threadpool written in C.
Define the number of threads and the size of the taskqueue:
#include "thool.h"
threadpool* tp = threadpool_init(4, 1024);
Add work to the pool:
void* sleep_test(void* num) {
printf("tid=%p, val=%d\n", (void*)pthread_self(), *(int*)num);
int i = 12;
threadpool_add_task(tp, (void*)func, (void*)&i);
Finally, free the threadpool, specifying a graceful or immediate shutdown:
threadpool_destroy(tp, IMMEDIATE_SHUTDOWN);
Thool is a very small and lightweight threadpool implementation that uses a
fixed-size circular-buffer to delegate and execute tasks concurrently. The
circular buffer is a blocking-queue which is provided via the taskqueue
datastructure. All tasks are managed by a single mutex owned by the
Worker threads are managed with a conditional-variable which is used to
suspend and notify threads of pending tasks. Threads are initialized once
at threadpool initialization and are tracked using the thread_count_lock
mutex. Threads are (attempted) shutdown gracefully when threadpool is freed.