JasTPL is an open source PHP template engine, fast and easy to use.
- Allow using global variables ( without using assign() )
require_once "Class.Jas-Templater.php";
$tpl = new JasTpl();
$tpl->Tpl_Dir = "tpls/";
$tpl->Cache_Dir = "temp/";
- disallow global variables
require_once "Class.Jas-Templater.php";
$tpl = new JasTpl(null, null, false);
$tpl->Tpl_Dir = "tpls/";
$tpl->Cache_Dir = "temp/";
- Variables :
$tpl->assign('foo', 'Hello world!'); // if global vars = false
The value of foo variable is : {$foo}
- If condition
Example :
{if $foo == "Hello world" }
world !
{elseif $foo == "Hello Github"}
github !
Null !
Example :
$data = array(
array('id' => 1, 'fullname' => 'Jad #1', 'email' => 'email_1@email.com'),
array('id' => 2, 'fullname' => 'Jad #2', 'email' => 'email_2@email.com'),
array('id' => 3, 'fullname' => 'Jad #3', 'email' => 'email_3@email.com'),
array('id' => 4, 'fullname' => 'Jad #4', 'email' => 'email_4@email.com')
$tpl->assign('contacts', $data);
{loop name=at loop=contacts}
ID : {contacts[at].id} ,
full name : {contacts[at].fullname} ,
email : {contacts[at].email}
- section tag is an alias of loop, you can use it !
- Looping using foreach :
$pers = array(1 => 'Steve', 2 => 'Bill', 3 => 'Mark');
$tpl->assign('list', $pers);
{foreach from=list key=i name=val}
<li> {$i}: {$val}</li>
- Include a file
{include file='second_file.tpl'}