Hello and Welcome to the back-end part of my first and ongoing Node/Angular chat !
To install the following project, start by cloning or downloading it
Once you are in the project folder in your computer :
$ npm install
It will install all the dependencies needed to run this NodeJs API and the socket server Do take note that in this project, i am using MySql as my chosen database, and Sequelize for the ORM If you wish to use MariaDB or PostGreSql, a few tweaks might be needed, such as
$ npm install pg
for PostgreSql e.g
- You will also want to change your DB config in the config.json, for instance :
"development": {
"username": "Your_User_Name_Here",
"password": "Your_Password_Here",
"database": "Your_DB_Name_Here",
"host": "",
"port": "3306",
"dialect": "mysql",
"operatorsAliases": false
Now that you have everything ready (I hope), you will have to run some migrations to get your DB in order. I personnaly had some issues with Sequelize automatic model synchronisation, so while I work on that, the best way to get started is :
$ sequelize db:create
( Or $ node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:create
if you don't have it installed globally).It Will create you DB. Check on phpMyAdmin
or directly in your terminal via
$ mysql -u Your_user_name -p
Then to migrate :
$ sequelize db:migrate
(Or $ node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate
At the root of your directory :
$ sudo vim .env
Add JWT_KEY=your_very_complex_key to it
Now you can start your server !
$ npm start
You can just do that here