fastbackward is a package that contains the fastbackward()
function. This function works similarly to backward elimination with the
function from the MASS package; except, the
function makes use of a bounding algorithm to perform
backward elimination faster.
fastbackward can be installed using the install.packages()
It can also be installed via the install_github()
function from the
devtools package.
Here is a comparison of runtimes with the stepAIC()
function from the
MASS package and the fastbackward()
function from the
fastbackward package. This comparison is based upon a randomly
generated logistic regression model with 1000 observations and 50
# Loading in fastbackward and MASS
# Defining function to generate datasets for logistic regression
LogisticSimul <- function(n, d, Bprob = .5, sd = 1, rho = 0.5){
x <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(1, d), Sigma = diag(1 - rho, nrow = d, ncol = d) +
matrix(rho, ncol = d, nrow = d))
beta <- rnorm(d + 1, mean = 0, sd = sd)
beta[sample(2:length(beta), floor((length(beta) - 1) * Bprob))] = 0
beta[beta != 0] <- beta[beta != 0] - mean(beta[beta != 0])
p <- 1/(1 + exp(-x %*% beta[-1] - beta[1]))
y <- rbinom(n, 1, p)
df <- cbind(y, x) |>
# Setting seed and creating dataset
df <- LogisticSimul(1000, 50, .5, sd = 0.5)
# Fitting full logistic regression model
fullmodel <- glm(y ~ ., data = df, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
# Times
## Timing fast backward elimination
fastbackwardTime <- system.time(fastbackward1 <- fastbackward(fullmodel, trace = 0))
## user system elapsed
## 2.42 0.28 2.77
## Timing step function
stepTime <- system.time(BackwardStep <- stepAIC(fullmodel, direction = "backward", trace = 0))
## user system elapsed
## 8.28 1.10 9.53
For this logistic regression model, the fast backward elimination algorithm from the fastbackward package was about 3.44 times faster than stepAIC. The amount of speedup attained from the fast backward elimination algorithm depends on the strength of association between the covariates and the response variable and the number of covariates. So, speedup will vary depending on the specific problem.
# Checking if both methods give same results
all.equal(BackwardStep, fastbackward1)
## [1] TRUE
Hence, the two methods give the same results and the fast backward elimination algorithm is faster than stepAIC.