This is myND, a FOND and POND planner written in Java.
It was developed at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License 3 (GPLv3).
myND is written in Java, so you need a recent version of the Java Runtime Environment installed to run it. We ran myND with JRE 1.6 successfully.
To compile myND, change to the source folder (src) and use the following command.
$ ./build
To run myND, change to the source folder (src) and use the following command.
$ java JavaOptions mynd.MyNDPlanner PlannerOptions pathToSASFile
Useful Java Options are
- -Xmx4g: to set the maximum heap space to 4 GB
- -ea: to enable assertions
Check out available planner options from our Wiki page
You can find some planning tasks in SAS+ format in the folders data/benchmarks-fond and data/benchmarks-pond.
For example, the following command will run myND on the first blocksworld instance using LAO* search ('-laostar') guided by the FF heuristic ('-ff').
$ java -ea -Xmx4g mynd.MyNDPlanner -laostar -ff ../data/benchmarks-fond/
For more information on the planner, check out our Wiki
myND is hosted on bitbucket under the URL
The original authors of myND are, in alphabetical order:
- Pascal Bercher
- Robert Mattmüller
- Manuela Ortlieb
If you want to get in touch with us, please contact Robert Mattmüller. His email address can easily be found on the web.