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A TestBuilder implementation that uses the Moq testing framework


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This is a concrete implementation of a test builder for Moq based on UnitTest.TestBuilder.Core

Please visit the repository to see implementations for other test frameworks.


This is a test library that helps to write unit tests faster by abstractin out the boilerplate codes and let the developers focus on the actual logics of the unit tests instead.

How to use

  1. Create a Builder class that inherits from MoqBuilder abstract classes
public class TestClass
  private class Builder : MoqBuilder<TestObject>
  1. Define class properties in the Builder class.

All reference type properties including string will be dynamically created and assigned by MoqBuilder.

The TestObject is created using its public constructor that has the most parameters. If the parameter is the same type as any of the properties defined in the Builder, the property of the Builder will be passed in as the parameter to the constructor. Hence, the TestObject will have access to the properties defined in the Builder.

public class TestClass
  private class Builder : MoqBuilder<TestObject>
       Mock<IServiceA> ServiceA {get; private set;}
  1. You can optionally override the creation of the property objects in the constructor of the Builder class
  private class Builder : MoqBuilder<TestObject>
      public IServiceA ServiceA {get; private set;}
      public Builder(IContainer container)
         // override the creation of ServiceA
         ServiceA = new ServiceA();
  1. You can optionally use dependency injection for the creation of the properties. You can define a custom DI container using your favorite DI library that implements the IContainer interface.

  2. You can optionally override the creation of the TestObject by overriding the CreateObject method.

  private class Builder : MoqBuilder<TestObject>
      public IServiceA ServiceA {get; private set;}
      /// You can pass in additional parameters to create your custom TestObject
      /// through the *args* paramater
      protected override TestObject CreateObject(params object[] args)
        return new TestObject();


Check out the Examples in Unit Tests project for more details

    public interface IRateService
        double GetRate();

    public class RateCalculator
        private readonly IRateService _rateService;

        public RateCalculator(IRateService rateService)
            _rateService = rateService;

        public double GetTodayRate()
            return 2 * _rateService.GetRate();

        public double GetTomorrowRate()
            return 3 * _rateService.GetRate();

    public class ExampleTests
        private class Builder : MoqBuilder<RateCalculator>
            // This property will be auto-populated by the base builder
            public Mock<IRateService> RateService { get; private set; }

            public Builder() : this(null) { }

            public Builder(IContainer container) : base(container) { }

        public void GetTodayRate_WithRate_ReturnCorrectRate()
            var builder = new Builder();

            //set up the getRate method to return 2 and as verifable
            builder.RateService.Setup(a => a.GetRate()).Returns(2).Verifiable(); 

            //the calculator will get a reference to the same RateService in the builder
            var calculator = builder.Build();

            var result = calculator.GetTodayRate();

            Assert.AreEqual(4.0, result);

            //verify RateService.GetRate() was called

        public void GetTomorrowRate_WithRate_ReturnCorrectRate()
            var builder = new Builder();

            //set up the getRate method to return 2 and as verifable
            builder.RateService.Setup(a => a.GetRate()).Returns(2).Verifiable();

            var calculator = builder.Build();

            var result = calculator.GetTomorrowRate();

            Assert.AreEqual(6.0, result);

            //verify RateService.GetRate() was called

Last Updated: Jan-13-2020 (Jacky-Mo)