This is a living tribute page project for Black History Month using HTML, CSS, Jekyll, and Markdown. It will be maintained throughout my career. You can find it at:
NOTE: Due to ethical concerns, the person being tributed has been removed. I am open to requests via my contact information below.
The goal/purpose of this Black History Month project is to inspire black people by creating tribute pages, of modern black professionals in tech and/or business, that contain links to resources/programs for black people to get into tech and/or business.
Is this person born during our times, or are they from a long time ago with black-and-white photos?
Unlike tribute pages that show historical figures, this tribute page showcases successful black people from today's times. This is a lot more relatable and inspiring, and it conveys that black people succeed today (not just back then).
Is this person in any way related to some resource/program for black people? Did they use a resource/program to spring into their success? Did they create a resource/program for black people? Do they recommend resources/programs?
Unlike tribute pages that merely portray a biography, this tribute page helps black people take action to pursue success by hyperlinking effective resources/programs.
I have revised this project over 20 times by listening to feedback from over 3 people. If you have any feedback, please:
- e-mail me:
- message me on Discord: Ludory#4452