cmsrel CMSSW_14_2_1
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git cms-addpkg DataFormats/HcalDigi
git cms-addpkg SimCalorimetry/HcalTrigPrimAlgos
git cms-merge-topic --unsafe JHiltbrand:tpAuxInfo_142X
git cms-checkdeps -a -A
git clone Debug/HcalDebug
scram b clean
scram b -j 8
A template python configuration file to be passed to cmsRun
is found in test/
, which runs the AnalyzeTPs
The analyzer processes "packed" and "reemulated" trigger primitives and stores information in a flat TTree
A HTCondor submission script is provided in python/
, which has the following usage:
usage: [-h] [--submit] [--dataset DATASET] [--tag TAG] [--runs RUNS [RUNS ...]] [--era ERA] [--globalTag GLOBALTAG] [--l1TrgObjs L1TRGOBJS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--submit do submit to condor
--dataset DATASET Unique path to DAS dataset
--tag TAG Unique tag name for output
--runs RUNS [RUNS ...]
Run(s) to process
--era ERA Era to use
--globalTag GLOBALTAG
Global tag to use
--l1TrgObjs L1TRGOBJS
Override GT with L1TrgObj
An example submission could look like:
python3 python/ --tag 386864_HcalNZS_NewPeds --runs 386864 --dataset /*HcalNZS*/*2024*/RAW-RECO --l1TrgObjs HcalL1TriggerObjects_Run3Oct2024_13.db --submit
Some plotting tools are provided in plotting
, where the path from TTrees to final plots goes in two steps.
A python script and associated side car file perform TTree->Draw
with full configuration of what and how to draw including options:
usage: %ttreeDrawer [options] [-h] --inputDir INPUTDIR --outputDir OUTPUTDIR [--tree TREE] [--year YEAR] [--options OPTIONS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--inputDir INPUTDIR Path to ntuples
--outputDir OUTPUTDIR
path for output ROOT
--tree TREE TTree name to draw
--year YEAR which year
--options OPTIONS histo options file
An example call to this script could be:
python3 --inputDir /eos/user/${USER:0:1}/${USER}/HcalTrigger/386864_HcalNZS_NewPeds/ --outputDir histos/386864_HcalNZS_NewPeds --options ttreeDrawer_aux
After processing the ROOT TTrees, the ROOT files with histograms are to be processed into final plots.
This is achieved with the
script with options:
usage: usage: %plotter [options] [-h] [--doRatio] [--official OFFICIAL] [--normalize] --inpath INPATH --outpath
OUTPATH [--year YEAR] [--options OPTIONS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--doRatio Do ratio plot
--official OFFICIAL How official is plot
--normalize Normalize all to unity
--inpath INPATH Path to root files
--outpath OUTPATH Where to put plots
--year YEAR which year
--options OPTIONS options file
An example call to this script could be:
python3 --inpath histos/386864_HcalNZS_NewPeds/ --outpath plots/386864_HcalNZS_NewPeds