Standalone setup for running MAHI debugger for pulse display Checkout a CMSSW release (140X for Run3 2024) and use the env to run the below commands.
- First, find where an event of interest is using
. "/JetMET0/Run2024B-v1/RAW" 379058:426:82018200
- Second, run the command output to the terminal from the first command:
edmCopyPickMerge outputFile=pickevents.root \
eventsToProcess=379058:82018200 \
Use CMSSW and the provided python config to run on the
in order to run the MAHI debugger and make flat ntuple with useful output to plot. This will yield yet another ROOT filemahidebugger.root
. N.B. There is a bug in the MahiDebugger that needs to be resolved locally. The description at needs to readthEnergeticPulses
(plural). So check out this package locally and build. -
Assuming knowledge of the iphi and ieta of interest, edit
to print out specifically for that tower and run.
root pulsedisplay.C